Steel Attack


God Of All Things Metal
Much in the same vein of Muzmaze's post on Scarpoint, this is another post on a band that I've been a rabid fan of for the last year or so named Steel Attack. I've included below an abbreviated bio of the band starting with their 2004 release, Enslaved.

The band's 4th album "Enslaved" was recorded in Black Lounge Studio - which is owned by Jonas Kjellgren (former member of Carnal Forge and Centinex and now in Scar Symmetry) to get a fresh sound on the album. The recording took place during April 19th to the end of May 2004. "Enslaved" was released in October 2004 and received amazing reviews everywhere! The band continued touring as ever before, such as a 12-day European tour with German Black Abyss and Canadian Exciter.

At the end of 2005 Steel Attack parted with Arise Metal to find a better deal elsewhere ... (and due to other stuff not worth mentioning) the offers were many due to the load of great reviews of "Enslaved"... The best deal offered came from German Massacre Records, which also was the label the band, had their hopes on during the "search". A contract was written between Steel Attack and Massacre Records and the recordings of the 5th album "Diabolic Symphony" begun. Also then Steel Attack chose again to record at Black Lounge studios. The album was released April 21st, 2006 and generated a breakthrough for Steel Attack by getting a bigger fanbase and the critics said "Diabolic is the best album so far". The Sweds was once again playing in the USA, this time one of the venues was the famous Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles.

Steel Attack worked on material for a new album in mid 2007 and entered Solnasound Recording with Mike Wead (Mercyful Fate, King Diamond) at the recording desk in November last year. The album "Carpe DiEnd" is Steel Attack´s sixth studio album AND FUCKING SLAYS. I can not put into words how awesome the album is except that I had the same reaction to it as I did to hearing the 2 new Pyramaze tracks I SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND checking out the guys who are collectively known as:



Definitely worth checking out.
"Diabolic Symphony" slays indeed, one of my alltime favorite releases. The new stuff is good, but I don't think I like it as much as "Dia Sym".
The myspace page isn't happenig for me. I'm listening to some stuff on thier site, though.

So far I've heard "Angels", "Haunting" and "Dreaming". I like 'em all.
The play that Gothenburg style power/prog metal (similar sound to Evergrey but maintaining a strong difference). Its difficult for me to narrow it down to one album cause each one has a different sound, vibe, element, but I'd say either Enslaved or the new album Carpe DiEnd

Heres the link to the video of the first single from Carpe DiEnd called Angels

Here is the video for Invisible God off Diabolic Symphony
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Can't watch stuff from youtube on this comp, but the fact that you said that they're prog/power and somewhat similar to Evergrey is more than enough to convince me to try them out :)
I'll try listening to those 2 albums.
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Good stuff indeed, a band worth checking out... I'm just listening to Diabolic Symphony, great song! They didn't blow me away like hearing Pyramaze for the first time (Souls in Pain), but I guess no other band ever will! PYRAMAZE JUST RULE! :worship:
I heard Gates of Heaven. It was really good, although it didn't sweep me away. I'll look further into the band though, I'm sure there will be more stuff I like :)
Give the first three albums a shot. While the band has at least found continuity now with their singer Ronny, their prior albums are really different than current era Steel Attack. Where Mankind Fails and Fall Into Madness are straight forward speedy Power Metal. Primitive but damn fun. Their new singer for album three, Predator Of The Empire, whoever he was, was pretty damn good but he got axed fast.
you know what makes me mad about Steel Attack? they went from decent "B" power metal with songs about dragons and such, to being a bit heavier and overall better-sounding, with better production and a better vocalist and all that.....except that now they have somewhat preachy christian lyrics (which, as far as i can tell, started with Enslaved). i didn't even realize this until after i'd bought the album and after listening to it a few times, realized how their lyrical content had changed.....and for someone like me, who rarely pays attention to lyrics, and thinks that lyrics in general are extremely overrated, i found myself feeling uncomfortable listening to it anymore. i think i've put Enslaved in my cd player once since that realization, which sucks, because i liked it a good bit from a purely musical standpoint.