

Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Just heard Steel's Heavy Metal Machine for the first time, it sounds classic. I can't believe it's Dan singing, it sounds ridiculously different than his normal voice. This was one top-notch project, no less than to be expected from such a mastermind.
I think it sucks, but that doesn't mean it wasn't funny enough for me to buy it. :D
Soul4Raziel said:
I think it sucks, but that doesn't mean it wasn't funny enough for me to buy it. :D

I have to admit, it doesn't sound quite like I thought it would. I was a bit dissapointed, but it's hilarious. That voice... haha... and Dan talking in interviews and shit about how it hurt so much and how he'd rather growl a lot because it hurts so much less...

Sometimes you can find a copy of the 7" on eBay.. I actually bought two copies there, one for $5.99 and one for $0.99.. I gave the 2nd one to a friend just because i thought that he should have it in all its splendor.