Steve Albini

i just dusted off my shellac albums and i'm having great fun here, you can check out his studio at that site, looks very cool plus he has the best fucken mic collection i've ever seen.

He did an interview in sound on sound last month that was really cool.

Amongst other things he was saying how he doesn't believe engineers should pretend to be producers and alter bands' material. His exact phrase was "I wouldn't tell you "hey, you're fucking your wife all wrong! let me show you how!""

Anyone else?
Not into Albini. I think that the High on Fire record would've kicked a lot more ass if someone else had recorded/produced it. Bush sucked ass, too.

As far as his engineer playing producer comment goes, most producers ARE engineers. His analogy is lame and irrelevant, too. Of course an engineer can't tell you that you're fucking your wife wrong, but if it came from a pornstar you'd have to consider his opinion, sans the "let me show you how" part.

Neotek's suck ass.
i have Dysrythmia's Pretest CD from Relapse that Albini did and i like it a lot... instrumental jam type band.. it sounds good. he has a great studio too. but yeah, his comments on engineers as producers and the ananlogy he used are pretty out there. i love metalkingdom's porn star analogy.
James Murphy said:
i have Dysrythmia's Pretest CD from Relapse that Albini did and i like it a lot... instrumental jam type band.. it sounds good. he has a great studio too. but yeah, his comments on engineers as producers and the ananlogy he used are pretty out there. i love metalkingdom's porn star analogy.

There's new Dysrythmia demos on their site, BTW...
He recorded both F-minus' and Leftöver Crack's last albums and they both sound great. He was a pretty good guy to work with as well. He does have strong opinions, that's for sure.
Albini rules. His work is as unique as his personality. That says a lot, really.

Here's a good and fairly recent interview with him. There's even a metal reference towards the end:

I just started reading the Electrical forum about a month ago. Some good info there for sure.

What say we send Mendel in there to ask how to chop up a kick sample to use in DFH? Please?