Steve Grimmet (Grim Reaper) new album...

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
Snagged me a copy of the new Steve Grimmet album, Personal Crisis and I'm quite impressed! Not sure if it will make my top-ten of '07, but it's nice to hear something so refreshing from an old New Wave of British Heavy Metal card-carrying member like Grimmet.

It's old-school without the nostalgia, and definitely more on the proggy side than the old Grim Reaper. Much more Savatage, at times.

Don't miss out.
Does Steve sound okay vocally? I've heard some live tracks of him lately and he sounds like he's lost it.

Damn shame too - was one of the completely underrated vocal gods of the 80s.

Well, he doesn't sing much in the old Grim Reaper style. The man is well into his 40s and knows his limitations when it comes to high notes. I think he sounds great on this record! Found more song samples on
Does Steve sound okay vocally? I've heard some live tracks of him lately and he sounds like he's lost it.

Damn shame too - was one of the completely underrated vocal gods of the 80s.

The album is excellent melodic HM, his best work since the 1st Lionsheart CD IMO. He even does a Grim Reaper cover, Wrath Of The Ripper, where he added some more vocal melodies, which works great.

And his vocals are excellent IMO. He's still quite powerful, even though he doesn't sing as high as before. I'd even say that I'm glad that he doesn't sing as high as before.