steve vai - live in astoria (london) dvd


New Metal Member
Jan 31, 2004
just got this two days ago. anyone here got it?
while im not much of a big fan of steve vai (he's real good , but i dont like his "playing jokes on guitar" style), he really impressed me live though. great stage presence. he dance, he moonwalks, he makes funny faces, shakes his hips, etc. :D anyways, reason i bought the dvd cauze tony macalpine was on it. did trading solos with steve vai, did a keyboard solo (absolutely amazing piece, wish he played it on guitar. i dont like keyboards). i still cant believe he didnt trade solos with yngwie on the G3 tour. i wonder if yngwie's familiar with tony's work...macalpine could play circles around anybody, and thats a fact. too bad his tone kinda sucked live. thats why i dont like CARVIN guitars, they just suck! virgil donati did a drum solo...HOLY SHIT! :worship: billy sheehan doing his own thing... at the end, ERIC SARDINAS came out to jam. i dont know him, but when he played...damn! i think he plays steel/slide guitar. and what an amazing finger picker.

if you dont have this, get it now. this is better than the joe satriani dvd. :headbang:
im not really excited with this new g3 dvd. reason is - ive got all the dvds from joe (live in SF), yngwie's concerto suite dvd w/ the japan philharmonic orchestra, and steve's live in london. basically in the g3 dvd, they've played about the same songs. yngwie played "fugue", and "blitkrieg" , and "bach n roll". the only thing im hoping for is the 3 of them JAMMING. i heard yngwie did the voacls on "voodoo chile". im still pissed off they didnt made a dvd for the satriani, petrucci and vai lineup. oh well... :erk:

ps. they should have made a MACALPINE / YNGWIE solo battle. lets see if yngwie can kick macalpine's ass. or macalpine versus yngwie's keyboard player...hahaha :loco: :headbang: