Hey everybody, you knew I'd be along sooner or later. I'll start with general personal opinion "thread response", then jump into the tangibles/specifics of the current debate.
Homosexuals want to have the ability get married because they feel they have the right to do so - to have their union recognized legally and socially just like everybody else, and they're right. They should be able to - It's a basic personal freedom, sexual preference does not really apply. The (usually evangelical) Conservative Right-wing extremists (and homophobes, and other assorted characters) don't want the allmighty of the sacred word "marriage" tarnished by the evils of homosexuality: The devil's work, and other such things (sorry to come off as condensending and confrontatonal-sounding against christians in general, saturnix, I obviously don't mean you, you seem quite reasonable and open-minded - that's more important). There are other reasons they may have I'm sure - I really don't care.
Here's my point: Let's appease everybody. I usually like to fly in the face of the ultra-conservaties (and the ultra-liberal language police - I don't discriminate that way) wherever I can, but this time I suggest comprimise if for no other reason to end the debate and let people, straight and gay, get on with their respective lives. Don't call it "marriage" (officially, anyways). Give them all of the legal rights that go along with marriage, legally recognize the union, just whip up a marriage license called whatever you want ("life partner" is a popular term, whatever) to appease the fundamentalist christians and get it over with.
"Faggots can't be married, goddammit!"
"Well, they're not married, they're just legally joined as life partners"
"Well, I... blah!"
I don't know if this will work, and I'm asking the homosexuals to acquiesce semantics when they shouldn't really have to in principle, but I think it's a decent comprimise. Whaddayathink?!
Alright, now that that's over with I must say that on an intellectual level I find homosexuality fascinating. It seems to swim against the tide of the basic drive of all life... or does it? Extremists have gone on about how it's the devil's work, evil, blah, blah, blah... and AIDS was a punishment to them, blah, blah, blah (I'm sure there are priests who have AIDS nowadays), but if you think about it, this planet is overpopulated with humans and (let's think hypothetically along the 'you're born gay or straight' lines for a second) wouldn't homosexuality (much like AIDS, but less destructive) in a certain percentage of the population be a great form of evolutionary population control?
I mean, if you think about it, the percentages of homosexual population seem to be increasing more and more relative to the overall population of the planet. People will say "yeah, but look at the Romans - men had sex in the bath houses. And, animals have homosexual sex" and so on. You're right, Protocol, I've read that myself... even seen pictures (more George Carlin! What the hell is it with Carlin references in my posts the past week? Anyways, his male dog shagging and his male cat - quite humerous picture) But this distinction I want to make is between homosexual and homoerotic behavior. Roman men got it on... but do you think any of the were EXCLUSIVELY homosexual like men today? Do you think they didn't have wives and kids back at home? Much like the animals... they shag the same sex, but do you think they don't go shag the other sex when mating season is calling?
I think "exclusive homosexuality" has only been around the past little while, and the numbers grow steadily. The earlier ones, of course, probably had to hide and live against their true impulses and we never heard about a lot of them.
It's sketchy and based on hypotheticals and whatnot (Most gay people I've heard on the topic say they feel they were born gay, sooo...). I think the "are you born gay or do you become gay" debate is almost impossible to wage without gay people present, but we can try to keep going on it if you like. Saternix - they may very well be reaching for playgirls, but do you think we're going to hear about that? Schools are havens and breeding grounds of stupidity, ignorance, homophobia, and political correctness (all simultaneously somehow). No gay kid is going to tell his third grade schoolmates he's looking at playgirls. The sexual epiphanies you speak of happen when people are strugling to find/release/maintain their identities, and that's probably the most comfortable time to come out of the cliched closet everyone likes to mention. I admit this is speculation, but doesn't it make sense?
Anybody more informed than I am feel free to enlighten me, I like knowledge (or at least perspectives). Thanks.