Stockholm 5 dec.

Ticket... What an evil word!!!

Siren (anxious for finding the magic piece of paper)
My birthday is on Saturday, and I'm getting some money. I will either use it to buy a ticket and trip to Stockholm for the DT gig, or buy a new guitar... So we'll see by Monday.
@ormir: no need to tell you what i'd choose if i were you. then again, i can't play the guitar at all. :p

@ticket chatters: a ticket is also the unpleasant information kindly provided by authorities that you violated some imperative rule while driving. not so imperative as, say, shooting passengers in another car, but still quite imperative as far as rules go. why do i point out this piece of insignificant information? why, because i think using it in future puns and sassy replies in your chit-chat might add an entirely new spark of vivacity. :D

@rahvin: I read your post but i didn't absorbe anything.;)
I'm too tired and Led Zeppelin demands my full attention .

i'm gonna see dark tranquillity and that's what matters:D
@Silent: a) To let them hang in my wall, like storken suggested.
b) For extra safety.
c) Because my worth counts for two (ok, ok, erase that :rolleyes: )
d) Because i might have company. ;)

Oh, yeah, and i'm gonna see DT too, and that's all that matters (and sooner than most of you nia nia nia :p) :)