Stockholm Beer & Whiskey Fest!?!?


Apr 29, 2001
Hey for you swedes, anyone know about this festival?? Have you been last year or something?? Is it as cool as it sounds? We usually only have beer fests here (which rule) but never a beer & whiskey fest!! One glass and for unlimited samples!

I just got a email about a special-airfare-package to Sweden for this fest - :eek: - AND - it's quite timely as it appears to be happening the around the same day that Opeth gonna play at gig in Stockholm!!! :eek:Is this good luck???:eek:

Any details appreciated! As I see it now - it sounds like 2 ace reasons to be in Stockholm then. Hummmm....

Heh, I think these kind fests should be in Germany or Finland!
But it´s good that swedes can have good beer at least once a year...A rough generalization!
when is this?! i'm saving up some cash to
go visit sweden around the end of year.
maybe some arrangements can be made
here and there to squeeze in the opeth
show. whiskey.... mmmmm :D