Stolen Babies

Wow, I actually really like this, which I was not expecting from their outfits :lol: Reminds me of Depeche Mode (not really similar, I admit, but the closest thing I know of anyway :D), who I'm a big fan of :kickass:
Makes me think of something that Devin Townsend would do on a day off. Loving it :) There's some SYL (heavy as a really heavy thing) influence there in the more manic sections of some tracks by them
Love em. Every track is great on their last album. Can't wait for the next one.
Shes one of the few female singers I can tolerate, or actually enjoy listening to.

Marcus, Depeche Mode? Honestly? I love both bands but they're as far apart as possible.
Similar to Tub Ring, well that's closest I can think of.

The looks suit the band's style IMO. I don't mind if a band putting some effort into their appearance and putting on a show.
I'm not trying to hijack the thread or anything, but something about these guys reminds me of Sleepytime Gorrilla Museum so I gotta post a video.

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SGM is one of my favorite bands ever, and probably the best live band I've ever seen. Just recently getting into Stolen Babies.

Also check out The Dresden Dolls if you dig stuff like this.
My bro Steev sent me this - these dudes rule.
You're welcome homey
+1000000000 to everything said in this thread (except Depeche Mode)

This is their best IMO:

Also quite fond of 1997:

And finally,
Hands down one of the most satanic songs I've ever heard... so satanic it's scary:

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