STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: SCOTT WEILAND's Addiction Made Him 'Run From Truth And Honesty'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
According to The Pulse Of Radio, STONE TEMPLE PILOTS bassist Robert DeLeo and guitarist Dean DeLeo appeared on Los Angeles radio station KROQ on Monday morning (February 8), where they discussed the passing of former lead singer Scott Weiland, who died at the age of 48 in early December from a mix of drugs and alcohol while on a solo tour. Weiland's battles with drugs and mental illness impacted STP's career as well, with the band finally dismissing him in 2013 after reuniting just three years earlier. The DeLeo brothers admitted that Weiland's issues took a toll on them, with Dean saying: "When somebody keeps going in that direction, and I'm hanging on with hope, and help, and prayer, and doing whatever I can do. I spent over 20 years doing that, and it eventually starts to creep into my own home, my own living room, my own family. It starts to damage me." Robert added: "I don't know if people really understand addiction, and being around that, and not being an addict, and having to live with that on a personal and a business relationship." Robert also said that Weiland was unable to deal with the other members of STONE TEMPLE PILOTS being candid with him about his problems, explaining: "I think what we did offer Scott over the course of our career was the truth, and honesty. Someone who is that deep in their addiction runs from that, they run from truth and honesty. That's where he was; we became these guys that he didn't want to be around because we were telling him like it was." STP went on hiatus in 2002, largely due to Weiland's drug use and erratic behavior, but regrouped in 2010 for extensive touring and a self-titled album. But the singer's issues reared their heads again and he was let go in 2013, with LINKIN PARK frontman Chester Bennington taking over until late last year. STP is now holding open auditions for a new vocalist through their web site and hope to record a new album later in 2016 once they find a new frontperson. Photo credit: Ryan Williams

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