Stone Temple Pilots?


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
Any other STP fans here? They're one of my favorite bands of all time and I'm stoked that they're back together! Going to be seeing them later this summer on tour.

The production on their albums is unbelievable - especially the drums on Core!
I never quite liked them much but there's a song, a single song that's beautiful....

..'Interstate Love Song'.

That one, I think I have listened to maybe 200 times since the mid '90s.
I never quite liked them much but there's a song, a single song that's beautiful....

..'Interstate Love Song'.

That one, I think I have listened to maybe 200 times since the mid '90s.

That is a great song, not their best though! You should check out some of their other tunes.
Own all the albums...wasn't aware of the reformation - that's cool news. They got a lot of shit in the press and from other bands (unfairly) labeling them as Pearl Jam clones and grunge bandwagon jumpers back when Core first came out but I've always loved 'em. Each album is different and special in it's own way.

Unglued comes on = I break stuff.