Stop the FCC!!!

Yes Goebells has been reincarnated as Colin Powell's son, Michael Powell- head of the Nazi FCC. Its getting pathetic in this country. I m enjoying Howard stern railing on the nazis these days- its sad when Howard Stern is the voice of common sense and intelligence.
Howard Stern is the voice of common sense and intelligence? Are we on the same planet here? :err:
Online petitions are pretty useless. If those 5,500 in Texas or 1,600 in California or 1,300 in New York actually WENT OUTSIDE THEIR HOUSES to protest, then maybe someone would listen.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
How did the subject of conversation somehow become Howard Stern? Nonetheless, I signed.

Howard Stern is feuding with the Federal Communications Commision because Clear Channel took him off of 6 markets. He's saying the religious rite of govt wants to take him down. So for 5 hours a day he whines about Bush's regime. And his simple-minded follower's call in saying that they've changed their vote. Their mind has been changed my stern's propaganda. The human mind is easily persuaded by mainstream garbage. If it's on the radio then it must be true. Hence Bush is getting his name tarnished by stern's anti Fcc rederick. What the hell do you expect? The show consist's of anul ring toss, lesbians doing sexual favors for plugs, and plenty of discoherant diatribe.
I brought up STern, becuase every show he has been talking about what a authoritative anti-free speech society we live in.

If you dont like Howard- switch the station asshole, it doesnt take a genius.
speed said:
I brought up STern, becuase every show he has been talking about what a authoritative anti-free speech society we live in.

If you dont like Howard- switch the station asshole, it doesnt take a genius.
Well I think Howard's upset that Jews control the media and he's being kicked out.
