Story from a british paper.


Evil Inside
Jan 14, 2003
"As British paratroops test fired their rifles near the border, "Terrified Iraqi soldiers ... crossed the Kuwait border and tried to surrender," the Mirror reported on March 9, "because they thought the war had already started." The paras ordered the Iraqis, who came waving white flags, to go back to Iraq because "it was too early to surrender."

The story looks as if it was meant to tell the britians that it's not funny, but it is if you ask me!
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
I read that. Kind of tragic if you ask me. No-one wants this terrorist attack,because if you attack first without provocation tha's what it is.

Well, not that i want war, but IMO if we don't act now there will be another attack just like the WTC's. Once they are though with us they will attack other countries!!!!
Every one knows that the people and soldiers of Iraq don't wont this war. I think It's a safe bet they don't want a dictater as their president either. The mogarity of them would probably not make the nukes if he wasn't there. But as long as they are afraid of him, they will do what he says.
And I can't begin to imagine what our troops might feel at the prospect of having to kill a bunch of people who don't even want to fight, but are so afraid of their ruler that they are anyway.
My brother is a Marine and is over there right now. I can tell you from his letters, that the soldiers are not happy about it. They are psyching themselves up to do it because those are their orders, but don't like it.
But ok, this is the part I dont' get.
All the people say the Iraqi soldiers etc. ' they are afraid of Saddam " but don't they realize thier are more of them then there are of Saddam? Or is it they are lazy or cowards
and don't want to even try?
One funny thing I read in the papers is that Saddam is " training" suicide bombers. How does one TRAIN to be a suicide bomber? it's kind of a one time thing isn't it?
Makes me think of that daffy duck gag where he drinks the gas, and dynamite and then swallows the match....