Strange/cheapy guitarsound when quadtracked.


Jul 13, 2005
I seem to be having a problem!

This is a recording of a Engl through a cab with v30's,

(Stukje henkest gay)

sounds killer soloed, but when quadtrack and panned 90 and 70 Procent (each side 2 tracks of this) it gets this kind of cheapness, allmost phasey kinda quality to it!
Allthough it works somewhat in the whole mix, it sounds like poo when theres a solo riff (like the at the gates kinda trashriff halfway the first piece)

What the hell am i missing here?:cry: :cry:

The chain was: Engl+cab, Sm57 Beta on best Speaker, Into Audient ASP008 on Highest impedance setting into emu 1212m.
Sounds pretty good to me. I'd watch your tuning and use thicker strings so there's less variation even when you're in tune, and when you have a solo riff don't double it. But don't worry! It's sounds pretty normal to me. Vocals are cool by the way! :headbang:

Oh another thing. Are the doubles the same volume? Try making one pair signifigently quieter so they just beef up the main two
Sounds pretty good to me. I'd watch your tuning and use thicker strings so there's less variation even when you're in tune, and when you have a solo riff don't double it. But don't worry! It's sounds pretty normal to me. Vocals are cool by the way! :headbang:

Oh another thing. Are the doubles the same volume? Try making one pair signifigently quieter so they just beef up the main two

Thanks! allthough i'm still far from satisfied, mixing with a cold just doesn't work i guess:erk:

The two track are indeed the same volume, thanks for pointing that out.. it might be it!:)
pan them 100-75<>75-100

makes the100's full on gain at the level you want
make the 75s a bit cleaner and make the guitarist (you?) WORK for it, hit those strings hard, bring those up below the mains
Sounds like a minor phase problem to me. If you zoom in closely on the dubs, how are the waves aligned? Peaks and valleys should be roughly the same for the tracks. If you have peaks in one and valleys in another at exactly the same spot, you should invert the phase in one of them (but it doesn't sound that much out of phase to me). But as this probably isn't the case, try aligning the tracks at samplelevel, i.e. move the second track a bit left or right so you align the peaks roughly, but be careful how much. If there is alot of different takes, you have to check if the offset is a general "tendency" of the recordings or it is related to each take, the latter requires individual offset of each take ..
Yeah, hard L/R. I always stack em right there. MINDMARE!? Can you link us to that track you posted of your band a while back? It was pretty baddass!:Smokin: "Mindmare" is a pretty bitchin band name, man! I think I came up with that too, a couple years ago.:lol:
.. MINDMARE!? Can you link us to that track you posted of your band a while back? It was pretty baddass!:Smokin: "Mindmare" is a pretty bitchin band name, man! I think I came up with that too, a couple years ago.:lol:

That was just a testbounce, I'll let you guys know when its done ;-)
'Mindmare' .. yeah our bassplayer had a bright moment, cool thing about it is that the combination of 'Mind' and 'Nightmare' was as good as unseen until we used it, I think there was one hit in Google back then on some french DJ which had this remix labelled Mindmare Mix :lol:
Sounds great to me!

Really, i get what you are after here.. maybe have a look at the EQ frequencies? try and EQ some guitar tracks a bit different, so you don't end up with all tracks EQ'd the same.. (scoop/add some mids on the 70% panned tracks? or only on the left or right side?)

Check your volume levels as well perhaps.. just throwing out some ideas what could help this a bit.. but i think it sounds great all together, it's just that riff on 0:43 that sounds a bit phasey eh?