Strange how you never become...

I wanted to be an Indy car driver when I was young. That or a rock star.

As I grew older and went to college I was never sure what I REALLY wanted to be. The idea of any sort of work was very unappealing. I didn't like the idea that I had to go do something I'd most likely hate every day just because that's how humanity works. I don't believe in that stuff. I believe everyone should be able to do what they want, when they want, how they want and why they want without having to justify it to anyone else. If people are supposed to be free, how come we have to go to work every day? To earn money so that we can keep a roof over our heads and food on our table in a pre-defined civilization that we had no part in creating, but must adhere to simply because this civilization has made it virtually impossible to live your life without it.

Anyways, what I was trying to say is that I decided in college that I may as well do something involving music since it's something I'm very passionate about. I signed up for Broadcasting classes and took them on the side while I also studied Multimedia Design. I loved building websites.

Long story short, I now work in the radio business both on-air (Broadcasting) and doing web design (Multimedia Design), so for as long as I've had the decision made, I've pretty much become the person I wanted to as far as a career is concerned.

As far as "who I am" I've still got a ways to go, but I know I'm getting there and I probably won't fully achieve it before I die. If I do, what then will I have left to live for? I love who I am, where I've been, and what I'm doing. Occasionally I question myself about these things, but I know deep down I'm cruising along in the right direction at a solid pace.

I guess for me personally, I don't agree with that lyric. You can become whatever you want, if you want it bad enough.
Sorry, I was being literalist. :p How about "Because money doesn't magically appear in your hand?"
I always wanted to be a Lawyer... Until I realized how much I hate school, then realized how long it takes to become one.

Since building doors isn't exactly where I saw myself ending up out of Highschool, I've come to the conclusion that going to college without any idea of where to go or take isn't a good idea.

So far, I run my own little graphics and webdesign business, mostly staying to graphics. And I use a lot of my own photography in my works, so I get to do a few things that I really like with this. Maybe one day it'll grow into something great.

The only thing I can think of that I might be interested in, is teaching. However, in teaching, I'd only be happy in a college or university setting, and would rather have a Professor status. But, we'll see where I go.
Things I haven't seen Porcupine Tree play, but they should:

Always Never
Dislocated Day
Sleep of No Dreaming
Waiting Phase 1
Slave Called Shiver
Lightbulb Sun
Strip the Soul
Drown With Me
Mellotron Scratch

Unfortunately I'm going to be surrounded by a bunch of obnoxious retards at the show. :mad:
Kvlt Wench said:
No, just a few people who have a tendency to become intensely annoying.
Gotta love when that happens. With your luck, they'll interrupt the rape session.