Strange mixer problem in Cubase


New Metal Member
Feb 3, 2016
Hi! Not sure if I'm on a right forum asking things like this, but I don't know where else to turn. Yesterday I was using my old Cubase 5 and everything worked just fine. Today however I went to my computer, opened the Cubase, listened to my mix. All good. Then, I wanted to see the mixer and opened it, but it does not show me any levels. The faders DO work. If I turn a fader down, it decreases the volume and so on, but the meters don't show anything anymore.

My mix is almost complete, but there's no way I can finish it without the meters. Is there any way to fix it and has anyone else had the same problem? Reinstalling isn't an option for me at the moment.

Thank you!
Contact Steinberg support. There is a file that you'll delete. It won't harm the program or any of your projects. I can't remember the exact file, but they will know. It's some form of cache or something. I think.
Are you using Asio4all and Windows?
If so, lower your buffer setting all the way and then brig it back up. It's some stupid glitch with Cubase 5-6 I've noticed on Windows.
Hi! I got it fixed. It seems, that the problem was caused by a secondary ASIO driver which I had on my computer. I never used this driver and to be honest, I even don't recall downloading another driver. Strange. But anyway, now it's fixed. Removing the driver didn't solve it, I also had to remove some register files (or whatever you call em) from the regedit. Then after restarting the computer, it worked again. Thank you for your tips, guys!