Stranger in a Strange Land cover


It's a nice cover.. but has two main flaws. The synth and the vocals. Maybe the song should not have low quality synths and I know Bruce is unmatched but you could sound less whinny like those power metal bands vocalists, sometimes i cringed at the vocals in the high parts. It's good how the guitars flow with the song, keep up the good work.
Yeah, the vocal lines stretch right over my break, they were a bugger to do. If it was all higher, or all lower it'd be fine. I could've detuned the guitars but that would have been a pain in the arse. The chorus was a friggin nightmare, but then, that's Bruce for ya. The synths would be nice an easy to fix up, I ended up just preset-bashing to save time, but it can be tweaked fairly simply when I get back from uni.

And I'm surprised you didn't mention the guitar solos. They're pretty atrocious, but in my defense I only ended up with a couple of hours to learn/record them, and I'm really not much of a lead player.
The Real Moonchild said:

It's a nice cover.. but has two main flaws. The synth and the vocals. Maybe the song should not have low quality synths and I know Bruce is unmatched but you could sound less whinny like those power metal bands vocalists, sometimes i cringed at the vocals in the high parts. It's good how the guitars flow with the song, keep up the good work.

You are a wank.
The Real Moonchild said:
a scotish fuckwit that can't write properly and he think he's better than everyone.
Well.. he's rather amusing i can't say the same about you.

You say I can't write properly so let's look at your post :

Scottish has 2 Ts - stupid
"he think he's better" should surely be "he thinkS he's better"??- Stupid
"I" should be a capital - stupid

I think, before you talk about people's writing, you should make sure your own posts are grammatically sound, you fucking idiot. :lol:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
You say I can't write properly so let's look at your post :

Scottish has 2 Ts - stupid
"he think he's better" should surely be "he thinkS he's better"??- Stupid
"I" should be a capital - stupid

I think, before you talk about people's writing, you should make sure your own posts are grammatically sound, you fucking idiot. :lol: