Strangest/Scariest Thing Ever Happened Too You


May 16, 2007
What is weirdest or scariest experience

Last Week I got drunk in some woods and the tree started talking to me!!!

I went to a classical concert with my grandparent and couldn't stop laughing at the conductor!!!!
What is weirdest or scariest experience

Last Week I got drunk in some woods and the tree started talking to me!!!

I went to a classical concert with my grandparent and couldn't stop laughing at the conductor!!!!

I dont know why drinking makes you hear voices...and I don't see whats so scary about, laughing, at someone. :S.

Scariest moment, I was canoeing (lolcanada) with my dad and brother, and we stopped on some island for lunch. It was just a large mound shape, all rock...and on the other side of the mound, a goddamn bear.
i was fucked up on gin and hash when i saw up in the sky two lights real close to each other spread apart and spin quickly around doin like a loop in the night sky, it freaked me the fuck out cuz i was obliterated and i was wondering if anyone else saw that. than the other day i mentioned it to my friend simon and he told me it was a plane descending away from a star. i laughed at myself all day about that but at the the time it fucken sketched me out.
I thought I had seen a dead body on a small road in the dark. I panicked and went home (by bike) as quickly as possible. My parents laughed their asses off and took me back there. It was a giant stuffed teletubby :Smug:
It was pretty scary when my mother kicked me out from home.
And I just went dacing with two co-workers and I kissed him and her. Scary as hell.
getting arrested.. Sitting in the back of the police car on the way to the station in cuffs and sitting in an empty interogation room with only a chair and a table waiting for the detective to come and speak to you is one of the worst feelings i have ever had.

The true Worst/scariest thing that has ever happened to me is something personal and fucked up. I wont mention it here. if you wanna know ask me on msn.
when i was 12 i crossed some railroad tracks to climb some rocks. immediately i heard the rattle from what turned out to be a 4 foot diamondback that was 2 feet away. i ran and found someone i knew with a shotgun. he blew it's head off.
Too much shit to list here. I am FULL of TRUE stories. I have had the (mis)fortune of surviving many near fatal experiences, not to mention just to have experienced a lot of crazy bullshit in general, so yeh.

My attempt at suicide 5 years ago was pretty bloody/horrific though. Kinda funny how it is true that women pick easy, quiet ways to kill themselves (pills, etc) and men do the most fucked up, gorey shit they can think of. :lol:
heartless i hear ya man. i'm only alive cuz i'm fat: i tried to hang myself and the branch broke. all i managed to do is choke myself out.

If that's true then I'm sorry to hear that... I mean I'm glad you survived but sorry that you went through that.

But :lol: I've heard that story from internet people 1000 times, I swear to god. I'm not saying yer lying or anything, but I'm just saying I have heard other fags tell me that exact thing over and over. My fav version was how the guy tried to hang himself but he used "old rope" and it snapped... :lol:!
I like AYDY when I heard it.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

getting arrested.. Sitting in the back of the police car on the way to the station in cuffs and sitting in an empty interogation room with only a chair and a table waiting for the detective to come and speak to you is one of the worst feelings i have ever had.

The true Worst/scariest thing that has ever happened to me is something personal and fucked up. I wont mention it here. if you wanna know ask me on msn.

Get a probation officer and stop doing drugs

heartless i hear ya man. i'm only alive cuz i'm fat: i tried to hang myself and the branch broke. all i managed to do is choke myself out.

Get a psychiatrist to give you happy pills

I got attacked by a psycho 5 year was the scariest thing ever

Get a good baby sitter
I've been sexually abused twice, once when in fourth grade and the second one in fifth. :)