Strapping Young Lad

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
I just picked up their new CD SYL and it kicks so much fucking ass. I've never heard any band get so heavy and out of control yet still retain a sense of melody. And Devin's gotta be the only guy Ive ever heard to ever scream and have it sound melodic. My fav track has to be Aftermath, the groove on it just rocks so hard. Bottom line - Devin Townsend is a genius.
OH shut up! I don't want to find another good band that I'll have to cheack out *inset 'lol' smiley here, I'm too lazy to go to go in advance reply* . I've got enough. Another one to my list.
Yeah, I've heard ALL about them and devin townsend. And I even have Terria and Sex and Religion. But I have just recently discoverd that Death metal or heavier, non-melodic vox bands are great! So I've been too busy checking Death, Cryptopsy, Soilwork, Opeth, Children of Bodom, Suffocation, Gorguts, Cynic out, that I havent got around to doing it.
Their "City" album is incredible. And Devin's screaming vocals are usually way better than straight out death growls, since there is much more range and dynamics involved. And you can understand him.
theodyssey said:
You can understand him on the song "Oh my fucking god"???? :lol:

that's a crazy song... i like it.

Okay, you win. The verses of that song are unintelligible. But the song is so freaking awesome that it doesn't matter.
I've downloaded that song live in Australia (I thinmk it's australia) from
Woah, that slays! Crazy...sound production isn't overly good (but its live, so)
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
OH shut up! I don't want to find another good band that I'll have to cheack out *inset 'lol' smiley here, I'm too lazy to go to go in advance reply* . I've got enough. Another one to my list.

Well, I got another one for you to check out. TAROT!

Dude. It slays!
Yngvai X said:
I just picked up their new CD SYL and it kicks so much fucking ass. I've never heard any band get so heavy and out of control yet still retain a sense of melody. And Devin's gotta be the only guy Ive ever heard to ever scream and have it sound melodic. My fav track has to be Aftermath, the groove on it just rocks so hard. Bottom line - Devin Townsend is a genius.

If you want a kickass melodic screaming song, check out their song 'All Hail the New Flesh'. In my opinion, by far their best song.