Strapping Young Lad


Alabama Man
Jan 30, 2005
Berkeley, CA
Have you heard these guys? They're not really shred but they're pretty damn heavy and original in my opinion. I don't know if you know it, but Devin used to sing for Steve Vai back in the day. I mean, the guy looks like Michael Bolton after being run through a meat-grinder:


But if you're that ugly then you MUST be good - right?!? :tickled:
Anyways, they have some real interesting and synchopated rhythms that trip me out sometimes. I don't know if they could pull it off without that atomic clock of a drummer named Gene Hoglan though.
Oh man, and here I was excited just over Brian Boitano! Ham, balding-metal bands, and scantily-clad women in fur coats have sealed the deal though. Don't mention Crown Royal or I just may spontaneously combust. :hotjump: