Stratovarius in the studio?!


I don't have a good feeling about this upcoming record, I don't even know if they have any fans left. What do you guys make or think of this?!
STRATOVARIUS Begin Recording New Album - Apr. 17, 2004
STRATOVARIUS keyboardist Jens Johansson has posted the following message in the band's official forum:

"This is a sort of informal update.

"I went to Helsinki, basically to try and help with anything I could. Am here now.

"Jörg Michael will play on the next STRATOVARIUS record (as he is very good of course, and there was no other good drummer materializing out of thin air.)

"He has finished most of the drums, whether Timo will like them or not when he is ready to listen we will see.

"The drums are being recorded in Helsinki. Timo disappeared right on the day they were starting the basic tracks. So for the week before I came, Jörg has been recording in the studio, ALONE, only with a click and nothing else to guide him, just remembering the songs in his head! He was the only guy slaving away in the studio and he's not even in the band! Yes, this is bizarre stuff but if anyone rises to such an occasion it is Jörg I think. :)

"The new singer Katriina ('Miss K') I haven't actually met yet. And Jari really seems to have dropped off the face of the planet.

"So let's see. So far I have: a singer I never met, a drummer who's not in the band, a bass player who is on another planet, and the main songwriter and producer went to a psychiatric hospital last week. I know all this looks very bad, but the strange thing is that I still very much have some hope left.

"Because I can say is that the songs are really killer, and the drums are good.

"This means anything is possible.

"There are many other things going on, I suppose everyone heard about a few of them already...

"I'm doing fine personally, I still have the hope that like many problems, these will right themselves given some time.

"I have collected my recording gear that was stored here. It all survived the winter and it works. I try to will record... something. I will help with anything that I can. Timo's studio is not operational quite yet, but it is pretty close I believe. [I can verify that his SSL is there, I saw it and I touched it, it's real! :) ]

"There is a sauna in the apartment me and Jörg are staying in. There are beers in the fridge. The songs and the drums are good. I am one of the worst pessimists out there. If I say there is hope, then be sure that there actually is hope!"
A somewhat unusual recording process. I'll certainly be checking out the end result...they deserve a fair crack of the whip for struggling on through all this shit. That new singer must be wondering what the fuck she's got herself into!
sixxswine said:

"So let's see. So far I have: a singer I never met, a drummer who's not in the band, a bass player who is on another planet, and the main songwriter and producer went to a psychiatric hospital last week. I know all this looks very bad, but the strange thing is that I still very much have some hope left.
a) My answer to the thread is: WHAT FOR?

b) Either Jens is in love with Timo, or he sold his soul to the devil and this is his personal hell.

I can't see any reason considering the above statement to: remain in the band, waste time and energy, starve (supossing that he's being paid by Timo).

Unless he is waiting to piss on Miss K (she may be into golden showers), he should pack his stuff, tell Jorg to do the same and go find someone sane to work with. There are thousands of good bands looking for a keyboardist and a drummer. Damn, he can even go back to Malmsteen inferno's :p

P.S. Does anyone knows what "timo" means in Spanish?
I thought Jorg was out of the band?
I wonder if half of these press releases/"news" are true... I guess not.

Anyway Strato died after Visions to me...
sixxswine said:
Well, this was from, they are like a tabloid of "heavy music."
Fang they died after Visions? What didn't appeal to you after that disc?
Yep B-Mouth is often a very reliable source, what I mean is that they mainly report press releases that people send to them, and who's still convinced of the reliability of these Strato news? :)
Even the webmaster of the band can't guarantee anything, so...

As for their albums, well... Strato used to be a great band with its own sound back in the mid 90's, when classic metal was considered "dead" (was it really?), and since the rise of the "true metal" wave they've become a more generic band with much more happy choruses and tempos pushed to the maximum.
Twilight Time, DreamSpace, Fourth Dimension & Episode had a spacey, atmospheric touch that has disapeared since, in favour of a more poppy touch... not that I don't like them at all anymore, there are still a few recent songs I can enjoy, yet only a few.
Well, you are right, they have moved more toward the more melodic "catchy" chroruses, I can understand a fan that has followed the band for years having that view on things over the last few years. For me, well, I'm new to the band, I'd only heard them a couple of years ago & started to pick up records here & there. There's no doubt that the band is just a shell of what they were even a year ago.
It truely is a sad thing.
Reminds me of my old band. Hell, we were gonna make our live debut last summer with a female singer we'd never met, in fact none of us even had a clue who she was! Now I think about it, I'm not even sure if I told anyone else she was joining the band :confused: maybe she's in Stratovarius now, who knows?
sixxswine said:
I am curious, though the band will never be the same again. What the hell does "timo" mean is spanish?
Timo = scam. I have always found gruesomely funny that the leader of this soap opera is call "scam" in another language.

I don't know when he lost it, but for crying out loud put him in a padded room and lost the key :D