Stratovarius's new guitarist.


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007

They say they have over 15 songs ready to go, but obviously not all of them will make it to the final album.

Here's a sample of the new guy's work...


In my opinion, not only is what he plays in the video fucking AWESOME, but he sounds like an awesome addition to this band already, since Strato said he's pretty much the only guy they even seriously considered letting in the band. Whether that says something about how stuck-up they are, or how good this guy is remains to be seen (wait for the album is pretty much all we can do), but I'm really looking forward to this.

Putting aside all the retarded Tolkki vs. Strato drama, I'm looking forward to this next album. I honestly didn't think their final album with Tolkki was terrible, but it certainly was different. I'm really interested in seeing what this guy can bring to the band and just what exactly they're going to sound like without Tolkki there.

Tolkki's doing his Revolution Renaissance thing, Stratovarius is doing the new Strato album. Tolkki signed over all the rights and whatnot to them, last I heard. Guess he wants nothing to do with them anymore, hah.
Are you sure? I heard he signed over the rights, then said he'd be making it again. *confused* But I guess if they've got a new guitarist, then that would imply very much that Timo T isn't a part.
Watch the related videos... One of them is called Hangover Shred, and wow, he does some cool stuff with that. I love his tone, and he's very precise... I'm impressed with Strato's choice on this guy!
Well, he certainly can play the bejeezus out of that guitar. His tone wasn't exactly what I'd call 'metal' though. VERY low gain, more like a blues crunch than anything else. He also moved like he has a bee stuck in his hair while his shoes are lined with adhesive. I'll be interested to see what he looks like on stage...

Still, very nice playing indeed, no doubt he'll be great on record.
Yeah he seems ok but i have my doubts about this new 'Stratovarius' album. Strato will never be the same again and Timo is absolutely freakin crazy! i also saw that he plans to make one last Strato album with the original members - even though he signed over all rights to the name - nutcase
Yea I dunno how legit that is 'cause I've never heard anything about that, and even though it's on their Wikipedia page, it doesn't cite any sources...
And I'd just like a proper goddamn concert DVD from them. If we can get that out of this 20+ year-old band, I'll be happy.
Oh. Well then, that's interesting... guess we'll be hearing more in the near future, then!

As for Infinite Visions... isn't that more of a documentary of sorts? Not really what I'm hoping for. Just a straight-up concert. Rhapsody pissed me off with its awful DVD.
That and it was released before amazing songs like Hunting High and Low, Eagleheart, and Phoenix were made. Come on, who DOESN'T want those on a DVD?
Finally get round to seeing this vid. The guy looks like he's been playing D&D all morning then decided Flight of the Bumble Bee played purposefully off-key would be best :lol: Not that I'm taking this piss at all because the guy is AWESOME I think he'd be a very welcome addition. I did love Timo Tolkki's guitar work but I'm sure this guy is best for the band.