Stream of passion line up changes


New Metal Member
Oct 11, 2006
Monterrey mexico
STREAM OF PASSION: More Lineup Changes Announced; Band Vows To Carry On - Mar. 7, 2007

STREAM OF PASSION members Johan van Stratum (bass), Davy Mickers (drums) and Marcela Bovio (vocals, lyrics, violin) have issued the following statement:

"Since our last tour we've received a lot of inquires about the future of STREAM OF PASSION. As you may have [read] on the AYREON website, Arjen [Lucassen, guitar] has been going through a very rough period on in his life; he has decided to quit the band and focus entirely on his new AYREON album, which we know for sure will be a huge success, so good luck with it, Arjen!

"Besides Arjen, Lori [Linstruth, guitar] and Alejandro [Millán, piano] have also decided to part ways and focus on their own personal lives and musical projects. We, the rest of [STREAM OF PASSION], wish the three of them all the success and happiness in the world.

"HOWEVER THIS [IS] BY NO MEANS THE END OF THE BAND! The rest of us are extremely motivated to continue this beautiful story called STREAM OF PASSION and give it a more than positive future, like we think it deserves. We are already busy writing music for a new album, so soon you'll hear more about our future plans and musical ideas. Stay tuned!"
:waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk:

ANY COMMENTS??????!?!?!?!?!?
i like stream of passion alot, but im definatly looking forward to another release from my hands down favorite band, ayreon.
The only reason SOP got popular IMO was because of Arjen. I always felt it was the weakest project he did (some good songs though). Without him in it, I really just can't see paying attention to it at all. It always seemed like they were shocked at how big SOP got. Yet I don't think it was because the album was amazing, it's because they wanted to see him play Ayreon stuff.

I found nothing extraordinary about the vocalist, and with your two guitarists and keyboardist (plus the main songwriter) gone - I just don't see it going that far
I'm surprised they are going forward...with Arjen gone as songwriter, they might as well change their name to Marcela. She's going to be the focal point of everything going forward and Arjen pretty much created the project just for her.

I guess he helped establish the SOP name, and it's her job to take the ball and run with it from here. I wish her all the luck in the world, as I'm a huge Marcela fan. But I am concerned about the songwriting as Elfonia was good, but not great in that category (Marcela and Alejandro Millan wrote most of the music as I understand) and Millan has left SOP as well.

Another interesting note on the gossip side is Marcela and Alejandro have been a "couple" for many years now. The rumor mill last year was buzzing about Marcela and Arjen getting quite chummy together. Now Millan leaves SOP to work on his own projects? Sounds like an official break-up to me.

Now that the boyfriend is out of the way, I must begin finalizing my scheme to win Marcela's hand in marriage.
he he he...
SOP will do great, there will be a noticable change, but they will still do great.

besides, they can still use old material for live shows.
By songwriting I was referring to music. To me that's way more important than lyrics. I listen to music for the music, not the lyrics. Good lyrics are just icing on the cake, and great lyrics are sparkles on the icing.

I ditto that..If I wanted to listen to lyrics I'd go to a poetry recital. While both lyrics and music are important, you can have music without lyrics, but I don't think you can have lyrics alone without other associated sounds and still call it music. I'm glad I can't understand most lyrics anyways, as it seems to ruin it after I find out what they're talking about anyways.
That's a shame that Arjen has been going through a lot and that he and the others left SoP. But, at the same time, I'm very happy that Arjen is working on a new Ayreon album, and from reading the interview, I REALLY look forward to hearing it as it sounds quite interesting! As far as SoP is concerned, I wish them the best. With Marcela's talent, SoP may still have an opportunity to keep the ball rolling, provided that their music is still good (they will have to prove themselves all over again w/o Arjen) and they do not fall to the temptation of sounding more mainstream to be successful!