Streaming Interview with guitarist Chris Lotesto at Hard Rock Haven

Hey Chris,
Listened to the interview, very cool btw, but I have a question for you.
As Derric was asking you about the comparisons people have made with you to Queensryche and DT, and you said you weren't happy about it, I was wondering if you could elaborate a little more? I know that you delved a little deeply into it when he kept bringing it up, but was wondering why you weren't happy about the comparison, other than the fact that Russ sounds like Geoff in a sense? The reason I ask is because I never really compared you guys to anyone except, well, Ion Vein. To me you guys have a sound of your own. So.....
And I totally agree that you guys are definitely "coming into your own"! If what you have played at your shows (new stuff) is any indication of where you are going, I can't wait to hear the whole album. I like the heavier direction you guys are going in. Not to be rude, but if this album was written mostly because of all the crap that you had to go through to be where you are today, it might be a blessing in disguise huh? ;)
Anyway, great interview, and we will definitely be seeing you guys soon eh?
Take Care,
Hey Annie,

I take it that this is the question you were referring to?
prncsslime said:
Listened to the interview, very cool btw, but I have a question for you.
As Derric was asking you about the comparisons people have made with you to Queensryche and DT, and you said you weren't happy about it, I was wondering if you could elaborate a little more?

While both bands were influential on some level early on and while it is
a honor to be compared to great bands like them, it gets old when it's
constant and when that's not what we're trying to be and it keeps coming

We thought for sure the QR comparisons would die with Reigning Memories
but I guess Russ voice on that record still led people in that direction. I
think Russ has finally found his own voice so I believe the QR comparisons
will finally die. The other problem is people think certain things when
they hear that you sound like QR or DT and I think we're so far from that,
we're a metal band, not an artsy band or whatever, we just want to come in
and kick your ass! haha

The bottom line is that we want to be Ion Vein, with a sound of our own,
and hopefully with this new album, that's finally what people will say. :D

How's that? :)
That's gooood.....;) you sound pissed btw, and as well you should be.
The new songs are definitely going in a different direction, and I believe that Russ has truly come into his own as well as the rest of the band. It's sad to say that when you are trying to "make it" in the world of music, that a comparison to another group can make or break you. It seems that bands that are under a "veil" of comparison never seem to be able to break that routine. I can see now that you guys don't fall into that category. Like I stated before, you guys should be pissed off more often LOL! Makes for great writing!
Once again, I am totally impressed by the new stuff and I can't wait to hear the new album as a whole, on a disc, in it's full glory ;) Guess this one is going in MY collection hehehe........:headbang:
Take Care, and thanks for replying!