Street Team... Post your Pics here.....Posters and Stickers.....


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
I got my Supplies today......Killer a lot of great stuff.
Called Tower need to talk to Manager but went to Rasputin and started my quest to plaster as many places as i could ... Also went to FYE.... not an Anthrax Cd in the Joint...... Left some Stickers.....

Heh, funny story for all of you:

I went downtown today to try out my new (sings) SLAYER (/sings) skateboard and pick up some groceries, and I decided to take the Anthrax stickers with me, too. I decided to try and drop some stickers off at Tower Records, and after telling them "I'm with the Sanctuary Records Promo Dept.", (I just didn't tell them I was an independent ;) ), they let me drop off some stickers:


Then I decided to try FYE again. I had 15 minutes until my train got there, so I didn't have a lot of time. I was about to go into the mall when I happened by 5 skateboarders. I thought about giving them stickers, when one of them asks me about my t-shirt. I had my Metallica 2005 tour shirt on, and said "Yeah, I went to the show both nights." This turns into a conversation about metal and Anthrax. I give one to everyone, and one starts to put it on their board:


They all decided to put one on their boards after they saw me take a photo of their friend. I give them all an extra sticker for their stereos and stuff, and they ask me how they join the street team. I was more than happy to give them the info. I was pretty shocked to meet them out of nowhere and partly to see some skaters into Anthrax!


So I go back home, and I should mention that seeing posters for music are rare around here and normally are torn down after a week or two, and I live in an area dominated by, yep, rap. So I see these posters for some no-name rapper and decided that his blank-white-t-shirt needed some artwork on it:


Dude, that fuckin ruled. I remember back in 88-89 when I got into this band all of us skater kids were into Anthrax and Suicidal Tendencies. 16 years later the brotherhood of the board is still representing Anthrax. I might head out to the local skate parks to pass out some additional stickers.
Quick update on the stickers I left at Tower Records:

I went back there today to make sure that they were still there, and they were gone! Every single last sticker.... GONE! I left about 40 there, so either people are psyched about Anthrax, or someone there threw them out.
Okay update:::
Went to my local "independent" store to hang some posters up.They said no.
All the space on the walls,windows,doors etc,are paid for...
So I went to Valley Stream about 30 miles from here to Long Islands greatest metal store
Slipped Disc,and the owner Loved it. He's gonna make a big display so when its done he'll call me (hopefully) so I can take a picture,so far stickers were left at Tower,Skate shops,Comic book stores..been hustling Anthrax.
I will post some photos soon :headbang:
Okay, I drove 50 some miles around town in honor of the mighty Anthrax. I put a poster at 2 Zias, one Sam Goody(where I had to act all nice towards the female manager:Spin:), left a pack of stickers at hot topic, another poster at the wherehouse cd store. I left one at the killer metal cd store-Metal Devastation in Phoenix. The place I had killer luck was Atomic Comics. I told them about Anthrax and Judge Dredd. I mentioned how they were comic fans. I told them how some comic fans might be anthrax fans. He not only took a poster. He took about 5 as he is the main man at the various atomic comics in this area so he would put up 1 at each store:headbang:

Funniest response, I gave a poster to one owner and he looked baffled, shaken up and gave me this response="hmm, this means we will have to have the cds in our store!"o_O

FYI, I am stuck at 95 Anthrax live gigso_O
Ok I went To the Wherehouse and the manager posted the poster and left stickers... and then i went to Guitar Center and Posted one there and Left Stickers...
Anyone who posts pictures like the ones above will most likely be on the guestlist.... :)