Striker - City of Gold

that Onslaught tour is cursed. been pushed back three times now and then when it finally happens Striker drop out and now the singer for Onslaught isn't singing for them on this tour they are getting Neil Turban from Anthrax.
For whatever reason I missed it in Glenn's Top 50, but caught it in another end of year list. Enjoying it, need to spend some more time with it.

It's good stuff. From the opening cut, it reminded me of 1981. I was living in Virginia Beach at the time. And Barry at Birdland Music always made an effort to stock the latest and greatest in metal...major label and independent. That was the height of the NWOBHM and it seemed like a day didn't go by that some new band from the UK or Europe was releasing a new album. And I bought most of 'em. I still remember picking up 'Denim And Leather' there and having my butt royally kicked by the mighty Saxon. Memories.