Struggling with this mix! (Epic Metalcore)

Guitars are a touch bight. That tone is different, but it's pretty cool, I think you're heading in a good direction.
Thanks a lot guys! I noticed about the cymbals, I need to work on them. The DI's were really bassy so its kind of making the whole thing a bit muddy! Tried though :p I'm pretty happy with the lead though

@reg3n thanks a lot! there really wasnt many edits at all on the guitars, danny is just a super tight guitar player which is a massive help! a few punch ins etc on the beatdown kinda bits but other than that, its just played bit by bit, verse, chorus, bridge

unless you meant the effects? like the cut ups and pitch downs etc
dude. I think this mix is sick.
+1 on the OH thing though. they're harsh and thin.

are the cymbals samples or live drums?

Thanks a lot!

The cymbals are Superior but I'm not too keen on them. I'm either gonna start sampling my own or look for some more cymbal packs till then. Joey's emerald cymbals sound really nice IMO

IMO the highs and high mids across the board are WAY too harsh, not just the cymbals.

I know what you mean mate, could be down to the sucky DI's and trying to make them work and also, I think I've got a strange boost in mastering chain which could be something to do with it.
yeh man they are right with what they are saying about the highs across the board. ide would also say that the bass guitar needs to be turned up a bit, and i think the digitalness of the guitars is a bit toooo obvious it go do with being double tracked again with real amps and keeping the digitals in ther, would give the guitar a nice thick wall of sound, and then jus bring the low ends up on the bass section a bit perhaps