Stryper in California 11/14 and 11/16


Sep 29, 2003
Just wondering if anyone will be taking in either Stryper show this weekend out here in SoCal? 14th at Nokia Live in Los Angeles or the 16th at the HOB in Downtown Disney...I'll be at the HOB show.

I'm a HUGE fan of these guys and have been since first discovering them back in '83. I've always felt their message, crazy stage outfits, etc., kind of overshadowed just how talented they are. I still put Michael Sweet's voice up against anyone. The reviews from this tour have been incredibly strong.
Caught them at the HOB here in Orlando 2 weeks ago. AMAZING show! You will not be disappointed. One of the best shows I have seen this year. 3rd time in a row I have seen them at this HOB and this is the best they have ever played in my opinion. They sounded very tight and Michael Sweet is singing better than I have ever heard him. He is simply a great frontman. Be prepared for a killer medley of older songs that SLAYS!! "Reach Out" was a highlight for me. A truly inspiring performance.
I saw them back in October at the Knoxville, TN show and they put on a great show! The openers are horrible, but other than that, you should be impressed with Stryper. The whole band, especially Michael Sweet, seems to be really focused on giving the fans a killer show. The highlight for me was seeing them perform "All For One". Have fun! :kickass:
