
New Metal Member
May 21, 2015
hi guys heres is my mixing and mastering attemp of this song, please evalute my mix and master i am learning and your opinion can be very helpful :dopey:

here is:

ps: this cover has been made by: declan white
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hi guys heres is my mixing and mastering attemp of this song, please evalute my mix and master i am learning and your opinion can be very helpful :dopey:

here is:

ps: this cover has been made by: declan white

Hi i made today a revisited version of hte mastering (i`m not a mastering guy) and i fix some issues please comment and rate my mix its very important for me, and tell me wich is beter the original mastering or the revisited and sorry fr my bad english :grin:

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If you want a comment for mixing and mastering as a separate process, then you should also give us separate tracks - the mix-only without mastering, and the mastered one.
For now, as far as I can tell, you have way too much pumping in a bus compressor - just take a listen at 1:15, as soon as drums stop the guitar rise in volume way too much.
As far as the mixing goes, I would fix these issues:
- The kick drum should have a little more lower end punch, for now it sounds a little too "clicky".
- The snare has a decent body, but it needs sustain, so try adding some good reverb to lengthen it.
- The guitars are definitely boxy sounding, so try lowering frequencies in the 300-500 Hz range. (what amp sim and which IR cab impulse did you use?)
- The bass guitar is actually quite good, but I think it's a little too overwhelming, so try maybe turning down it's overall volume a little bit. It will also help the kick drum to stand out better, and the whole mix will have less "pumping" effect issues.

Have fun :)
men thanks for you time, in my next mix i would consider your corrections, i used rammfire guitar sims (guitar rig 5) and amplitube orange cabs, im using protools and i dont have a ir cab plugin, and i have a question ¿do you think i should master my own mixes or leave the work to another engineer? , i start mixing in november of 2014, tell me something ¿it's adequate to start learning mastering at this time or should wait more? thanks for you time and sorry for my bad english
Ok, let's do things in order:
- Instead of Rammfire (which I've tried, as well as every other amp sim there is:)), try using some of LePou's plugins, especially "Legion" model - it has the cleanest and most defined distortion. I still consider it to be the best sounding amp sim out there, and it's free!!. Then Insert any IR loader (LePou's also has that too), and load some decent IR, there are tons of them here on this forum. Personally I prefer GuitarHack's impulses.
- As far as the mastering goes - If you're still not quite good with the mixing, then don't venture into mastering yet. If your mixes are properly done then mastering shouldn't be a complicated process. Personally, once I sort out the mix I never have a problem with achieving the loudness during mastering which tells me that the mix is finally balanced. If distortion or clipping starts to appear way before you've achieved the desired "radio" level, then your mix is still not good, and you shouldn't try to fix that during the mastering, but in the mix itself. For now, just consider mastering as a process of achieving the loudness level (although, of course, it's not just that), but that will tell you if your mix is good or not.

Good luck
Ok, let's do things in order:
- Instead of Rammfire (which I've tried, as well as every other amp sim there is:)), try using some of LePou's plugins, especially "Legion" model - it has the cleanest and most defined distortion. I still consider it to be the best sounding amp sim out there, and it's free!!. Then Insert any IR loader (LePou's also has that too), and load some decent IR, there are tons of them here on this forum. Personally I prefer GuitarHack's impulses.
- As far as the mastering goes - If you're still not quite good with the mixing, then don't venture into mastering yet. If your mixes are properly done then mastering shouldn't be a complicated process. Personally, once I sort out the mix I never have a problem with achieving the loudness during mastering which tells me that the mix is finally balanced. If distortion or clipping starts to appear way before you've achieved the desired "radio" level, then your mix is still not good, and you shouldn't try to fix that during the mastering, but in the mix itself. For now, just consider mastering as a process of achieving the loudness level (although, of course, it's not just that), but that will tell you if your mix is good or not.

Good luck

thanks man i really appreciate yours tips :wave: