Stu Block Singing On New Iced Earth Album Dystopia


Mar 10, 2006
So what do you guys think of Stu Block on Iced Earth's new album Dystopia?

So far, I actually really like him. I couldn't stand even for a second that Ripper Owens guy, and of course Matt Barlow is the king of singing, but this Stu Block guy actually is singing pretty good. There's parts of songs where Stu is sounding a lot like Matt (Dark City) and even when he goes into the high pitch metal screaming it reminds me of Ripper Owens but actually sounds better and is tolerable.

Stu has emotion in his voice and it's most apparent on End of Innocence.

As far as the songs are concerned, I'm liking the album! I really like Anthem, Anguish of Youth, Dark City, and End of Innocence. Dark City sounds like Stu helped write it or something because it has this melodic death metal feel to it, which is an interesting sound for Iced Earth and I think works well. At first I thought Tragedy and Triumph was an Iron Maiden cover! You don't hear Iced Earth playing in anything other than Em most of the time :loco: so the track sounds pretty cool.

I'm loving the solos! They're not only melody type solos that Iced Earth usually has, but there's some shred going on too and it sounds great!

I thought it was quite dull. He sounds like a mix of barlow and owens, nothing special. The problem with Iced Earth the last century has been songwriting.
Alright, I'm ignorant. Who's Stu Block?

I never really liked Iced Earth bar a few songs. It seems like each one begins with a moody pad of crunchy feedback, and then the same riff drops in. It chugs like an Iron Maiden "galloping" riff, but in slow motion. Dead horse, y'know. Then they sing about emo stuff like being alone and being sad etc. There's really not much depth to them, unfortunately. Great vocalist though (Barlow)
I thought it was quite dull. He sounds like a mix of barlow and owens, nothing special. The problem with Iced Earth the last century has been songwriting.

I agree with that.

I´m a huge fan of Iced Earth, and can´t listen to anything after 2001.
The problem is the songs, they´re not like before
Schaffer must retire Demons & Wizards out of his head before doing something for Iced Earth.
Alright, I'm ignorant. Who's Stu Block?

I never really liked Iced Earth bar a few songs. It seems like each one begins with a moody pad of crunchy feedback, and then the same riff drops in. It chugs like an Iron Maiden "galloping" riff, but in slow motion. Dead horse, y'know. Then they sing about emo stuff like being alone and being sad etc. There's really not much depth to them, unfortunately. Great vocalist though (Barlow)

He is the main vocalist in Into Eternity. He began singing for them about two albums ago on "The Scattering of Ashes". I may be wrong but I think he also does some of the death growls along with the the other vocalist (guitar player).
I thought it was quite dull. He sounds like a mix of barlow and owens, nothing special. The problem with Iced Earth the last century has been songwriting.

As I have said in another thread, I think its a great album. I love Barlow but if he is what is keeping Iced Earth from doing their thing then it is for the better that he left. That is why I was sort of angry that he left Pyramaze because Jon found out he came back to the scene and got jealous and asked him to come back to IE. Pyramaze was perfect for Matt because he could sing and still be in the scene while working his police job and being with his family due to almost all of Pyramaze's members being spread across the world and working via the internet. Now Matt has ruined that opportunity because Pyramaze found a new vocalist a while ago.

Anyway, back on topic. The new album isn't legendary or anything, but it is certainly a return to form. It is much more like pre Glorious Burden Iced Earth than anything since. A lot of people are judging so harshly due to there being a new vocalist; however, I think Stu has great versatility that the band needs, and also a great knack for writing vocal melodies. I also want to bring up that you should get the deluxe album as I feel that is the true full album. I also think that this album has more variety between the tracks and not either all mid tempo borefests or just all out non stop in your face heavy tracks. I say give it a few listens through with an open mind.
I think it's a pretty good album, especially for a bands 10th. I like Stu's vocals on this album, especially the high pitched stuff. It is a huge upgrade from the past 3 albums, especially the last 2. Everyone is aware of Barlow's greatness, and Stu is a fine replacement. Hopefully he'll last for a while, as well as the other members. That's always been a big issue for this band, but oh well. I don't agree with the claim that they have all emo lyrics though. Maybe a couple songs off Burnt Offerings, but that's all I can think of.
Listened to it once and it absolutely did not grab my attention. I don't think Stu is bad, but to echo the previous comment, he sounds like a lesser Barlow and a better Ripper. At this point, the singer of Iced Earth is unimportant. We had Barlow on the last album and it still stunk. Iced Earth's problem is Jon Schaefer's stale songwriting, lazy guitar playing, and lack of inspiration.
^ I agree with you about the songwriting; that is their main problem as far as I'm concerned. To me, this new album was pretty much full of mid-tempo borefests (as symphonyXjapan put it) mixed in with a few shorter faster songs that sound like they were written in five minutes. The only tracks I really liked were the title track, Dark City, and Soylent Green; the rest were simply average or worse. Stu's vocals aren't bad, and I think they do fit the music. However, it's the music to me that is dull, repetitive, and uninteresting. I miss the longer, more epic songs this band used to write; now it seems it's all about how quickly the vocals can come in after the song starts. Conciseness bores me; tell me a story!

Since this album is mostly based on sci-fi dystopian themes, does anyone know what the lyrics to Dark City are based on? That's an interesting song, both lyrically and musically.

The last great album this band released was Horror Show; it might actually be their best. The Glorious Burden was pretty bad (save for Gettysburg and the hilarious Red Baron/Blue Max), and while the Something Wicked duo of albums had a few great tracks (The Clouding comes to mind), they were pretty weak overall. Just my opinion.

Edit: Oh, and as far as guitar solos and Iced Earth go, most of the time they seem thrown into the song just because this particular style of metal usually contains them. To me, they sound awkward and forced, and this album is no exception. On Horror Show and previous albums, they did seem to fit. As I said, the overall songwriting has been getting weaker and weaker over time.
I have never even listened to iced Earth beyond their debut during my speed metal phase in high school.
Alright, I'm ignorant. Who's Stu Block?

I never really liked Iced Earth bar a few songs. It seems like each one begins with a moody pad of crunchy feedback, and then the same riff drops in. It chugs like an Iron Maiden "galloping" riff, but in slow motion. Dead horse, y'know. Then they sing about emo stuff like being alone and being sad etc. There's really not much depth to them, unfortunately. Great vocalist though (Barlow)

What Iced Earth have you been listening to?