

Robin Jonsson
Nov 22, 2001
Bollnäs, Sweden
Well, that was actually yesterday...but I didn't have time to write, heh...
Anywho...three more songs got guitars today:Spin:
I promised to fill in equipment info as well, and that was easy this time Tony chose to
use the same rig as Peter as well as the Gibson and Washburn to get the same kinda sound on the rythm guitars, in addition T also uses his Jackson RR1 with EMG 81 & 89 pickups and D'Addario XL140 0,10-0,52 strings and same picks as P.
Well X-mas is around the corner so I'll see if we'll have some time to write here, if not...we'll try to update on the recordings somehow later :Spin:

Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year Ya'll :rock:
Hey! Thanks for all the Studio Updates!, Morgana Lefay/Lefay has been one of my Biggest and Best Discoveries of the year ... I absolutely Cant wait to hear the new record!, also I cant wait for the day Morgana Lefay plays the states... I will travel to any corner of this country to see you guys :rock: :grin:
Insania said:
Breaking after 11 for many more days of recording do you think you still have to go? Sounds like the end is near...
Nah, no particular's just me that's a bit busy over the holidays :loco: