Studio got FLOODED!!!!

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So yesterday (Wednesday the 30th) I show up to my internship and the floors were gone the entrance looked like a wrecking crew came through and the ceiling totally gone (drop ceiling).

I walk into mix room B and ask the engineer WTF happened and here is the story he gave me. :OMG:

"So the cleaning lady on Friday got done doing her shit and threw her mop into the utility closet upstairs. The mop hit a faucet handle and the water turned on. It wasn't discovered until Sunday evening and it was just by chance that it was discovered. A nurse showed up (the upstairs office is a Dr. office) to do something and called us. When we showed up there was no electricity and there was water pouring out of the ceiling EVERYWHERE."

Me: So what did you lose?

Him: "Mix room A and live room B. A mackie D8B, An entire pro tools HD rig, A powermac G4 silver, Another smaller mackie board, credit card machine, all the guitars (warped to hell necks), 2 monitors, 2 pairs of monitors (one set of mackies can't remember what they were 824s I think, and a set of tanoys), 2 crt monitors, 8 patch bays, a presonus M80, 2 furman power conditioners."

So this is just the tip of it. There is much much more than this that got toasted this was just all the big stuff.

My task on Wednesday was to research how to dry out mics (they had a U87 set up on a mic stand, while no water made direct contact, as you can imagine it was a very damp environment for 2 days). So one of the Engineers already gave Klaus Heyne a call and he recommended his forum stickies. I checked that out and still had some questions so I gave him a call. His thread basically called for a silica gel pack (cooked so it would recharge it) inside a zip lock bag with the mic in order to dry out the element. It has to be in there for 3 days. They also decided to dry out the 414 set, the AEA R84 and the km184 set even though they were in the mic locker (that has a huge ass dehumidifier inside (like a gigantic silica pack).

It's probably going to be 2 weeks before they are back in business to the extent that they were. They have a floor guy coming on Monday. A ceiling guy on Tuesday and we are all painting the walls on Sunday (except the A and B rooms, got to find out if walls need to be ripped out that is the biggest issue besides insurance ATM).

Fucking crazy shit. :erk:
This was the only spared room from any sort of damage:


---> yeah they don't have the NS-10 monitors on the genelecs.
holy shit dude, that sucks, studio has insurance for that shit right ???????

Of course. But as most of us know insurance companies are a bitch (and devalue everything/ don't know shit about instruments). They hired a public adjuster though (good idea on their part).

Apparently the insurance guy showed up Monday and said stuff like "well those congas will dry out, etc..." :OMG:
Wow dude, that's incomprehensible that something like that could happen to such a big, successful place - I don't know why, exactly, I just really can't believe such a careless mistake as chucking a mop would be so disastrous!