Studio video blog from my place for those interested

Lol... They're taking it down right now & putting up something with their own music on it.

As for the drum tracking, they all practiced to GuitarPro midi, so that's what we tracked with. The drummer banged out 10 songs in 9 hours, including setup. It's tight enough that I don't have to run it through Beat Detective.... only needs a few edits here & there. I live for projects like this!


Now we've just got to get the drummer to keep his tounge in his mouth when he plays....
As for the drum tracking, they all practiced to GuitarPro midi, so that's what we tracked with. The drummer banged out 10 songs in 9 hours, including setup. It's tight enough that I don't have to run it through Beat Detective.... only needs a few edits here & there. I live for projects like.

are you using pro tools now?
If you can't play it in one take then you can't play it. You only have the first take when you play it live! It's too bad more musicians don't fucking man up and demand that sort of perfection out of their performances, props to this dude.
Amazing watching somebody do one long, marvelous, near-perfect take isn't it? Was that one take for the entire song? Props to him, he seems to have his stuff down well. Thanks for sharing the video.

I think if I were to show some of my latest sessions, most of it would consist of footage of me trying to edit together the 'perfect' take note by note :lol:

+1 to more musicians needing to get onto that 'nail it the first time' bandwagon.
Amazing watching somebody do one long, marvelous, near-perfect take isn't it? Was that one take for the entire song? Props to him, he seems to have his stuff down well. Thanks for sharing the video.

Yes, that was one take for the entire song. Unreal.

There's something to be said for the band mapping the songs out on guitar pro & practicing ahead of time. Now we'll be able to concentrate on things like vocal delivery.
Yes, that was one take for the entire song. Unreal.

There's something to be said for the band mapping the songs out on guitar pro & practicing ahead of time. Now we'll be able to concentrate on things like vocal delivery.

Yea he did his homwwork for sure

Question? He recorded with actual triggered kicks ?
Damn I'd never be able to nail anything in one take. I'll nail shit all day long practicing, but as soon as "the tape is rolling" I get anal about every little detail and focus too hard. Like, "fuck, man, I wanted to do an upstroke for that note, but I played a downstroke. Re-do!" Luckily I always record myself so I don't annoy anyone else, haha.

My old drummer was like that too. "Ah damn dude, I hit the wrong crash, start over."
really diggin the video-about that one take thing-our lead guitar player is fucking tight-really easy to record him, press record and wait until the song is finished, then continue with the next song.
I wish I could play guitar like that.
The first band I ever recorded were like that..

Mad bastards!

Drummer did 5 songs in 5 takes, and the guitar player double tracked everything (both parts) - so we just looped the song 4 times.
Freaking madness I tell thee!

Awesome band in that video dude, seems like something I'd listen to..
I think this should be the standard for all bands... to nail something in the first take is kinda amazing these days when it really should be the standard. No point in making songs that are impossible to play in one take :) Good thing they did their homework atleast, shows they're serious and really want to play music, as opposed to many others, unfortunately.