
Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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I just checked out the Metallica board for the first time. It seems some of those guys started their own internet recording project.
I downloaded a song they did together. It was pretty cool to see some other people doing what we do.
This is actually the only board I post on. I usually just lurk on most of the other boards because of too many people who post useless insults and such. Which is one of the reasons I haven't posted about the IMG on other boards. Maybe I should start doing that but I don't want to be the one who brings in a bunch of people who post 3 pages of some dude hitting his head on an amp.
Speaking of the Maiden board...:) Ec are you the eddie's cellmate on that board too? I was reading a thread and noticed the same name as yours. Someone with that name posted some painful pics of the Steelers whipping my 'Boys from back in the day. I much prefer the one's of Neil throwing to his favorite receiver #24 in the Super Bowl.
I'm down to talk about football if you guys want. I'm a Cowboy's fan I'm not really sure why though since I should be a big fan of the 'Niners or Raiders. I am a fan of the Raiders but my favorite team has always been the Cowboys.
Just some random stuff I thought I'd mention because this board gets kinda quiet. :)
I've was a Cowboys fan for about 15 years. I lost interest with them after the players I grew up with left the game.
Randy White, Ed Too Tall Jones, Danny White, Tony Dorsett, the list goes on.

My all time low with the team was when they let coach Landry go. I changed teams at that point.

I became a Lions fan. As they have done nothing the past 10 years I still love them.

I would like to see Joey Harrington prove that he can steer the ship into a wining team.

Time will tell:confused:
Rabies: It was actually an original they did that I downloaded. I thought it was pretty good. The download connection was slow so I didn't check to see if they had posted other songs, but one of the threads mentioned that they did do some others.

I was upset too especially then they let Dorsett go to Denver and I actually stopped watching them for quite a while. I started watching them again when they started rebuilding with Emmit, Troy and Irvin. They weren't very good at first but they had a lot of fight in them. Then they went on to become good and now they're back in the cellar again.:lol:
I'll be happy if they beat the Redskins twice again, and at least compete with everyone else. Quincy Carter can run like mad but doesn't seem to be able to throw worth a poop. Not good for a Quarterback.:lol:
I can remember the great games between the Redskins and the Cowboys.
It would be 4th and 1 and the Redskins would send out John Riggins, he would make the first down then he would be on the side lines sucking in as much oxygen as his lungs could take:D

Can't wait for the Thanksgiving game this year.

I think if Ismail gets on his game, he will make a great WR
I think they are looking at Quincy as their future and not the present. Lots of development needed here :)

take care
Those old rivalries were great.:)
Unfortunately Ismail hurt his neck and will be out for the season, he may even retire. The coaches think they have some young talented guys who can come in and play. They always say that though.:lol:
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
I just checked out the Metallica board for the first time. It seems some of those guys started their own internet recording project.
I downloaded a song they did together. It was pretty cool to see some other people doing what we do.
This is actually the only board I post on. I usually just lurk on most of the other boards because of too many people who post useless insults and such. Which is one of the reasons I haven't posted about the IMG on other boards. Maybe I should start doing that but I don't want to be the one who brings in a bunch of people who post 3 pages of some dude hitting his head on an amp.
Speaking of the Maiden board...:) Ec are you the eddie's cellmate on that board too? I was reading a thread and noticed the same name as yours. Someone with that name posted some painful pics of the Steelers whipping my 'Boys from back in the day. I much prefer the one's of Neil throwing to his favorite receiver #24 in the Super Bowl.
I'm down to talk about football if you guys want. I'm a Cowboy's fan I'm not really sure why though since I should be a big fan of the 'Niners or Raiders. I am a fan of the Raiders but my favorite team has always been the Cowboys.
Just some random stuff I thought I'd mention because this board gets kinda quiet. :)

Yup, one and the same. :cool: I had to post those pics because ghengiskhan was rippin into my Steelers, and I just had to do that to him. ;) :lol:

I'm a huge football fan, and I'll talk football until you can't stand it anymore. :rolleyes: ;)
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
Those old rivalries were great.:)

Yea, they sure were. It's a shame that today's football seems to lack the intense rivalries of old. I'm with Constantine, I miss the good ole' 70's style of NFL. I still enjoy football alot, but I think the 70's were football's "Golden Age" as far as from a fan's perspective. :cool:
It seemed like there was some magic to the game back then that is missing now. I guess technically the athletes are faster and stronger in todays game, but I find myself feeling like most of the teams suck equally while there are only a couple of good teams.:lol:

Some people are predicting that the Steelers have a legitimate chance to go all the way this year. I think that all depends on Kordell. (sp?) If he has a good year, combined with a defense that is always good, I think they definitely have a chance.
I don't know about the Cowboys. I think they might actually be worse this year, but hopefully they'll surprise me. Two wins is all I ask...Redskins x2. :lol:

Constantine I've only had a chance to watch Canadian football a few times. I like the larger end zone and the 3 downs to move 15 yards (I think, or is it 10 yards?). I haven't seen enough of it to make a true judgement but some good players have come from there to the nfl and been really successful.:)

I feel that if Mike Martz doesn't get his ego, and the teams ego, in check they'll make another early exit from the playoffs. The players will be on every station talking about how great their team is and how no one stops the Rams, but the Rams etc...while two other teams are playing in the big game!
Mr Hyde, in regards to Kordell here's a copy of what I just posted about him over on the Maiden BB...

"It may be hard to notice if you haven't watched him all of the time over the years, but Stewart really has a way of getting rattled when the pressure's on. He'll play great when things are going well, but has had trouble staying poised when the team's struggling. It's been overlooked but he threw 3 INTs in the AFC Championship game last year. One early, then after the Steelers gave up those two lousy special teams TDs he really started getting erratic and threw 2 more to end drives that could've easily won the game. One of them was on 2nd down, he didn't even need to force it! After playing so well all year, he came a bit unglued when it mattered the most and unforunately that's become something of a pattern for him.

I'm hoping that with the confidence he gained last year, and another year of maturing under his belt, he'll finally be able to stay poised and get the job done when it matters most. I've always thought that that's the mark of a true "Championship" style QB and I think it's really all he needs to take it up a level."
Hey Ec. I went ahead and registered for the Maiden board with the same user name as here. I agree with you about Kordell getting rattled. I think the mistakes come in part from his ability to run away from the pressure. His feet start moving to get away even though he is still looking to find a receiver down field. It has to be hard to stand in there and fire the ball when you have the ability to escape the pressure but those throws into tight coverage demand 100% concentration in order to get it in there.
Mobile QB's always seem to have problems with control. Warren Moon, Randal Cuningham (sp?), and even Steve Young at times.
Steve Young was more of a traditional QB who could run, he would stand in there and take the big hits, leading to a lot of injuries, but his accuracy was outstanding most of the time.
Bret Favre is another mobile QB who's feet seem to get him into trouble at times. The playoff game last year where he threw five or six interceptions comes to mind.
Canadian foot ball is 3 downs for 10 yards. I can't stand it. CFL or what us Canadians call Childrens Football League, sucks. Sorry but thats how I feel about it:D

The Pittsburgh Steelers, I should have known EC. Man how they broke my heart several times. :cry:

I can still see the pass, roll out right, over Randy White and Too Tall Jones.....TOUCH DOWN, and the season was over....

The Iron Curtain.... might be back. I like Hampton, excellant nose tackle. Not a big guy but strong legs. Hard to move around. Can't remember the special teams last year :confused: They can't afford to miss field goals. Brown will screw the Texans this year:lol:
I'll be looking for ya over there Mr. Hyde! :cool:

...and I agree with what you said about "mobile" type QBs. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline and split second judgement to play that way. For every time that mobility seems to serve a mobile QB well, it also seems to get him in trouble. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Constantine
Canadian foot ball is 3 downs for 10 yards. I can't stand it. CFL or what us Canadians call Childrens Football League, sucks. Sorry but thats how I feel about it:D

The Pittsburgh Steelers, I should have known EC. Man how they broke my heart several times. :cry:

I can still see the pass, roll out right, over Randy White and Too Tall Jones.....TOUCH DOWN, and the season was over....

The Iron Curtain.... might be back. I like Hampton, excellant nose tackle. Not a big guy but strong legs. Hard to move around. Can't remember the special teams last year :confused: They can't afford to miss field goals. Brown will screw the Texans this year:lol:

I've tried to watch CFL games on several occasions, but I felt the same way. I gave it a chance, but just wasn't very impressed. :(

Yea, the Steelers have made it hard to be a Cowboys fan in the past, but then Dallas did it to us last time. :cry: In any case I'd say that Dallas and Pittsburgh have set the standard for what the Super Bowl ought to be (some of the best football games EVER!), and fans of both teams can take pride in that. :cool:

Yea, Casey Hampton has really played well for us. He's played well against the run, and even get in a decent pass rush from time to time. He's fit in well because he understands that in the Pittsburgh defense, his job is to keep blockers from reaching our linebackers. Not the most glamourous job to do, but very important to how our defense works. He's been unselfish about it, and it's shown in his play. :cool:

We will not miss Kris Brown at all. :yuk: He couldn't hit the ocean if he were kicking from an aircraft carrier. :rolleyes:
I wish I could remember some of those old games in full detail.
Most of what I remember about the old Cowboys and Steelers games is that they always seemed to end with Bradshaw throwing a high pass to Lynn Swann who jumped up twenty six feet into the air to make the catch while half the Cowboys defense fell to the ground at his feet.:lol: Ok, well my memories probably aren't totally accurate, but the painful ones fade with time.:lol:

I also remember when Dallas would play the Houston Oilers and Earl Campbell (sp?) would run all over our defense like they were a bunch of rag dolls.

Constantine: Isn't the play you describe "The Catch" during the division championship game between the 'Niners and 'Boys where Montana chucked it into the back of the end zone to Clark?
That was a great game too. I can't remember many specifics about some of the other games but I'll always remember that play. Did the Steelers do that to them too?

I'm not sure that Dallas actually outplayed the Steelers in that Superbowl Ec but those interceptions killed you guys. We got a taste of those phantom receiver plays when Chan Gailey became our coach. Guys were screwing up routes left and right. I think that game killed Neil O'Donnells (sp?) confidence. He was a great QB, now he is content being relegated to backup duties. I've never heard whether those interceptions were his fault but I'd bet they were caused by some of those multi option routes that Gailey was fond of where the receiver has his choice of several routes depending on what he sees. Didn't Miami start having problems like that too with his offense?
MR. Hyde.

:eek: Your right about the 49ers game. I think I forgot to mention that I hate SanFran...

I'm breaking out in a cold sweat trying to remember those old games.:eek: My god that was so long ago.

I have to say I loved the old rivalry games of yester years.
Love watching the older NFL films. To be in high school again :)

Quick idea
We should have a pool for fun where we try to pick the winners each week. We could even try picking them with spreads +/-.

Would you be upto it.:D I think it would be a blast.

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