Stymphalian Productions is LIVE!


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Ok so pretty much everybody has a studio page offering their services so I guess I should add my new official page to the fray. Artwork by Marco Cudan (Mago) and coding by Antonio Rivera (Metal Overload) :kickass:

Use the email if you want to contact me about services. Check the samplez :)

Some tweaks & updates in the near future :headbang:

Also feel free to "like" my Facebook page for it:

Haters gonna hate, but no images are the same and neither is the content. If you want my services thats where you visit, simple as tits! :)
Come on guys! how many sites doesn´t look the same??
Marco did an awesome work on the design, so many cool details, and basically as Jaymz said, is ala Myspace design, so that´s why the all-in-one page.
Fucking awesome dude, don't listen to the haters man, like you say everyone has their influences. If everyone was trying to be original, nobody would ever get anything done.
I'm sorry dude but it really is far too close to Ermz for me to just not say anything. Yeah, fair call that nothing is fully original, but these are glaringly obvious "stylistic borrowings" if you want to say it nicely. :(

Top to bottom, identical mood/stylistic editing. Same colored circles under album covers denoting your role played, same player and twitter feed location, same style photo feed, same 'rustic' editing done to the pictures, same overall dark vibe.

Actually, the pictures are even of the same things... a monitor speaker, a mixing desk, some meters. It's just way too close for comfort IMO.
I'm sorry dude but it really is far too close to Ermz for me to just not say anything. Yeah, fair call that nothing is fully original, but these are glaringly obvious "stylistic borrowings" if you want to say it nicely. :(

Top to bottom, identical mood/stylistic editing. Same colored circles under album covers denoting your role played, same player and twitter feed location, same style photo feed, same 'rustic' editing done to the pictures, same overall dark vibe.

Actually, the pictures are even of the same things... a monitor speaker, a mixing desk, some meters. It's just way too close for comfort IMO.

The player isn't mixpod & for its if I get them to move it will people be happy? The pictures in general are everything I happen to have in my rack, role played having the same colours? So what? Rustic pictures *of which are original* fit with the site with editing, dark vibe? Well I do metal & his site is much "cleaner", mines alot rougher around the edges...and having pictures in each section is NOTHING new....and where's my mixing desk exactly?

Get a Twitter feed and some colour coded key systems for your releases and it seems you've "coined it".

I didn't post about judgement of the sites layout anyway its about the services. Otherwise ill get the thread cleansed, simple as that.

And as the good old saying goes when I tell everbody about having 500 "core" threads in 1 day, "Don't like it? Don't look!"

Anyway as I said there will be updates so perhaps something will happen that seperates the two further.