Submission - Failure To Perfection


Apr 5, 2003
Submission - Failure To Perfection
Listenable Records - POSH080 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Here's a group that can prove they're better than what you're currently listening to. That is, if you're listening to anything worse than them, of course. That's a pretty hefty paradox, though. Mindlessly bludgeoning into a rampage of straight up pounding and mayhem, Submission do exactly the opposite of their name. Ok, so I think we've established that these guys thrash pretty hard, and they've got a death vocalist who sounds pretty great... probably because his growls are layered a lot of the time, which is pretty obvious to one with a good ear. He's got a bit of Randy Blythe (vocalist for Lamb of God) in him... It's kind of disgusting if you think about that last sentence.

Ok, so Submission is not overly creative - an aspect of music I usually rule pretty harsh on - but at least they know what they're doing, and they've got a bit of passion. Their clean vocals are pretty great too, especially when layered. If not for the extra bit of deathy thrashing, these guys would have been labeled as a hardcore group... Congratulations on cheating the system! Especially considering the hardcore breakdowns... man... you guys should know better. Breakdowns are the exact opposite of what death metal stands for.

Yet another group claiming to "blend several genres"... yeah, we know better by now, guys. In complete honesty, you're closer to hardcore thrash than what you claim to be. Let's not be too rough on these guys though, the growls are thick and powerful, the percussion is technical. The wonderful thing about Triggers is, he's the only one... Yeah I know, that was a lame Winnie-The-Pooh reference... but seriously, nice use of triggers here, guys. I'm being sarcastic! Only the cymbals don't sound programmed, but I suppose it works good for the sound, though the bass drum doesn't have very much bass. Some nice technical guitar work whilst not being so technical that it ruins the sound. It's a pretty good mix. It could do without the hardcore breakdowns though, or is that the thrash element to your death-thrash metal? Whatever. Everything you will hear on Failure to Perfection has already been done ad nauseum.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Submission Website
Official Listenable Records Website