SubUrban Tribe - SubUrban Tribe


May 22, 2002
Sherwood Forest
To introduce one of my favourite bands :)

It happens from time to time, that young fresh bands entitle their debut album with only the bandname. But in the case of finnish band SubUrban Tribe, there is a completely different reason for this measure. The band celebrates the reincarnation of the founding line-up; and after an remarkable amount of good albums by the "old" SubUrban Tribe aswell as of Kyyria, latest stage of singer Ville Tuomio, finally the best of both worlds is unified.

Suburban Tribe´s music is hard to categorize, and they don´t want to fit into any sorting system, but they pity all the recorcdcompany promoters, who are responsible for describing a CD with few words.
Main songwriter Janne Joutsenniemi, who was once member of the band Stone (together with Roope Latvala (Sinergy, Waltari)), melts rock, metal, electro and progressive with strong melodies. From this does result a fundamental aggression, which is the opponent of the overwhelmingly beautiful choruses (for example Watching You, Perfect Dark). So not only the structure of the songs is unique, also having Ville as their singer makes the difference to the loads of talented bands. The ones who know Kyyria (R.I.P.) know what I´m talking about, all the others should not wait and soon check out the madman and his dreadlocks.

It matters to Janne, that the lyrics make sense: "The lyrics are way too important to us for wasting them on something senseless. We definitely don´t sing about parties or drinking beer." (Rock Hard 02/02) Instead he sees his lyrics as landscapes or portraits of different feelings, "it is a short view on life, which flows in front of my eyes" ( The melancholy, expressed in music and lyrics, helps them to handle negative elements. As soon as the feelings are transferred into music, even Janne can smile again. This works fine for the listener, too: Gloomyness, caught into overwhelming hooklines, in the end spreads confidence.

One of my favourite lines comes from the song "Dialogue for one":

Strip away my love
Defuse all of my hate
Peel off the smiles and moans
That I always fake
I´m hollow inside
Exhausted and numb
Talking to me is like a
Dialogue for one

The just mentioned difficult history of founding the band starts around ten years ago. SubUrban Tribe are a group of friends from Helsinki´s suburbs (thus the name). Ville Tuomio was an active member of Kyyria, too, and very soon he focused on this band. So SubUrban Tribe managed to get along with several other singers and released prog- and metal-oriented records at indie-labels. Kyyria were a little bit more successfull than their colleagues, especially with the suberb last album "Inner Wellness" (which I can recommend aswell). 1999 Kyyria broke up; drummer Mika Karppinen a.k.a. Gas Lipstick moved to the Princess Of Darkness, HIM; Bassist Niclas Etelävuori (also member of Amorphis), guitarist Mikael Tanner and keyboarder Santeri Kallio founded for the purpose of optimized workload the band Verenpisara( ). Ville Tuomio was leftover and his old band welcomed him with open arms. Unfortunately in the end, genius keyboarder Burton changed the employer and is now also playing in HIM.

The current line-up for SubUrban Tribe is the following:
Ville Tuomio - vocals
Roope Sirén - guitar
Janne Joutsenniemi - bass
Alec Hirst-Gee - drums

Especially when you watch the band live, then you can feel even more than from the record, how happy all involved people are, to finally play together in "perfect" line-up. To me it happened, that after heavy-rotation of this CD in my player, I went to finland because I could not wait anymore until the SubUrbans would appear in Germany (meanwhile they were support of the german electro-metalband oomph! ( ) in 2001 and of danish rockers D-A-D in 2002). So my travel was worth it all, I was totally blown away by their presence on stage. In Finland, the band is headliner, loves to play gigs and do everything for the fans - and Ville T always behaves in a way that the nice men dressed in white can´t be far. A very impressing band!


SubUrban Tribe:
-Primitive (1994)
-Purify (1995)
-Panorama (1997)
-Prime Time Collection (Sampler, 1998)
-Elektro 57 (1998)
-SubUrban Tribe (2001/2002)

-Blessed Ravings (re-release 1998)
-Alien (1997)
-Inner Wellness (1998)

Other stuff:
Interview with oomph!:

ouagadougou said:
nice review :p
i like the band and album a lot too, especially the song "Color Of Silence" :Spin: so beautiful

thanks! :) I just can´t wait for a new album, hopefully this year. I think "Into The Blue" is my fav of all.

what´s the text in your signature about?

NP: Storm Of Sorrows - Count The Faceless
hehe uhmm.. my sig is all about aphorisms..​
kaikilla on oikeus mielipiteisiini. = everyone has the right to have my opinions
mielipiteeni on voinut muuttua, mutta ei se tosiasia, että olen oikeassa. = my opinions may have changed, but not the fact that i'm right
se, joka kadottaa järkensä, on yleensä viimeinen, kuka sitä kaipaa. = the one who loses their sanity is usually the last one to need it todellisuus on vain raittiusliikkeen keksimä illuusio = reality is just an illusion created by uhmm uhmm shit i dunno the word :s anyway the AA club
se viimeksi nauraa, joka hitaimmin ajattelee. = last one to laugh is the one who thinks slowest
these don't make as much sense in english as they do in finnish :cry:
thank you!!! oh, I think they make sense, and some of them I know, they exist in german, too, but with other words, still the same kind of meaning ;) Maybe they have a similar origin from another language, or the people in the world came to the same results after philosophing :)

NP: The Haunted - One Kill Wonder
ouagadougou said:
hehe no problem :p

\m/ The Haunted \m/ i'll see them live in a month :Spin:

NP: Amorphis - Drowned maid

hey, I´m going to see The Haunted, too :) I got into them very recently, and suddenly I realized what great band that is ;) Are you going to Tuska aswell?
ouagadougou said:
hahah yes! to Tuska indeed! :D

Tuska will be great! an amazing schedule, hopefully I survive all three days plus some club gigs *LOL* So have fun there, too! :) I´m not sure when I can access the net, I´ll be on the road from saturday on but anyway, looking forward to this special weekend. And I know you´ll be somewhere in the crowd for Amorphis and The Haunted :wave:

NP: Before The Dawn - My Darkness
ouagadougou said:
tr00 :D i'm the obsessed Amorphis fan girl screaming right in front of the stage. when you see me come n say hi :p

thanks, you have fun too :wave:

okay, I´m sitting here in the library in Helsinki :) I would say hello but I wonder how I should find you there in the crowd :p In any case you´ll find me in the first row at Children Of Bodom,Moonsorrow and Opeth :dopey: not sure if I will scream, too ;)

CU (even if only virtually) :)
yes, finland is fine (so far this time only in Helsinki, but to Tampere next week..) and the weather meanwhile is almost too hot ;), so I would not mind some bit colder.

you surely have heard it too, instead of Opeth will play Sentenced. I like them also a lot, maybe that is even a better band for a summer festival, for Opeth you need more concentration and devotion ;) So I am still fine with that.