Subway Mirror


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Anyone have this? Any good?'s Swano, of course it's good! But what can I expect from that one?

oh yes, my Unicorn/route 9 cd's are soooooo close....should be here any day!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :hotjump:
This is not a useful reply, in that I have no idea what Subway Mirror sounds like either, but I' d like to know too. And not just raving about it. I want actual facts and detailed description. And the same thing for Route 9.
Of course Subway Mirror is good! It must be, it's from Dan. :D
The style is melancholic Punk I would say. Really, really good, with sometimes a unicornesque smile-factor? Some people know what I mean?
A bit like the Sator-coversong on EOS Evolution, but softer.
They made the coversong "Forever Young" from Alphaville. Even this song is a reason to buy it, but the others are really good, too. Of course. Buy it, when you like the more melodic site in Dan's music.
Subway Mirror is great! Some of Dan's most inspired clean vocal work and catchiest songwriting. I'd say it's like an alternative/punk mix, with the odd hint of Unicorn. I sometimes hear a bit of Collective Soul and Pearl Jam in there as well. You won't be disappointed!