Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
What does 'successful' mean to you when it refers to a person?
Lots of money?
The fastest car?
Biggest house?
Beautiful wife?
Beautiful lover?
Fuckload of family?
General happiness?

How does one achieve it?

I pretty much know what I think but for some reason I got curious as to how you dudes see this.
Finding a job that I can problem solve all day long which gives me enough money to give 0 fucks sometimes.
I am happy to get up in the morning maybe 10 days a year because my morning mood sucks. I need an hour plus breakfast before shit rocks even on the best of days.
A job that's good and a job that pays good are two entirely different things, can be combined but really, aren't all jobs abour problem solving in one way or another? Customers/coworkers/whatever have or create problems, fix them by giving them stuff or ideas or doing stuff for them etc and take their money in return.

PS: I'm drunking up as I type so take no heed if I post something stupid in this thread.
For me success means just meeting goals that are important to me, and spending my time in a way that feels meaningful. My job does not do these things, but is allowing me to fulfill other goals and meaningful activities. When I can make my life day to day actually be spent on the above will be complete win
I am happy to get up in the morning maybe 10 days a year because my morning mood sucks. I need an hour plus breakfast before shit rocks even on the best of days.
A job that's good and a job that pays good are two entirely different things, can be combined but really, aren't all jobs abour problem solving in one way or another? Customers/coworkers/whatever have or create problems, fix them by giving them stuff or ideas or doing stuff for them etc and take their money in return.

PS: I'm drunking up as I type so take no heed if I post something stupid in this thread.

I mean solving scientific problems.
Being able to express myself as fully as possible (still working on this one)
Dropping out of the rat race
Becoming a dirty hippie
Destroying my mind
Not in that order
Finishing school...finding a job....moving somewhere I like...being debt free...dying
When I write I feel successful. When I am making music I feel successful. When I have a great conversation with my wife I feel successful. When I finish reading a book I feel successful. When I fix a problem with my car I feel successful (and dirty).

Physical possessions and numbers in a bank account are not successes to me. I have several basses that I love, a few of which were not cheap, so that took hard work and money to attain. However I only feel successful when I create a song with them.
^This 100% Well ok, I have neither wife nor car but thats not the point. When I can create something, a song, lyrics a good conversation whatever, thats when Im happiest. So My definition of success is a situation where Im able to be creative consistently

You can get rich and not be successful - Neil Young
Ralph Waldo Emerson said:
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
