Such a Surge - Alpha

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Such a Surge - Alpha
Nuclear Blast - NB1421 - 04/04/2005
By Patrick Walsh


The oddly-named Such a Surge began life way back in 1993, playing what was then 'crossover' and continue to do so in 2005 under its modern moniker 'metalcore'. Not really in the Killswitch Engage 'lets do an American version of what they've been doing in Gothenburg for 10 years (although they do it well it must be said)' mould, rather more in the traditional Agnostic Front sense of the term. Thus Alpha is modern hardcore with various metal elements (solos, double bass pedal parts etc), although this certainly has more of a hardcore feel to it. An undercurrect of radio-friendliness permeates this release, but the band straddle both ends of the commercial scale and as such it never detracts, and the singalong choruses of songs such as 'Nachtaktiv' don't sound contrived but actually add to said song. The lyrics are mostly in their native German, which may limit their appeal outside of their homeland, but Alpha is certainly worthy of people's attention.

Such a Surge have nine previous releases to their credit, and Alpha certainly reflects this. These fellows are certainly no novices, and Such a Surge are as capable at delivering a rollicking, shouty hardcore anthem at the drop of a hat as any of their more well-known American contemporaries. Alpha contains a certain depth that many of their modern American counterparts lack however, and the band seem intent on presenting a varied and engaging platter. 'Ueberfall' offers all the shouty hardcore you could want, whilst 'Was Jetzt?' is a groovier number with a wonderful guitar solo to boot. The peculiar indie-esque 'Mein Tag' is perhaps a step too far in the friendliness direction, but overall Alpha is pleasantly consistent. A twin vocal performance that exhibits a slightly punky edge at times amidst the aforementioned cleanly sung choruses in places are as effective as you're likely to find in this genre. There's a wealth of interesting guitar playing to be found throughout Alpha too, and the band are clearly ambitious and intent on standing out from the crowd. Indeed, Such a Surge succeed in this respect and Alpha is an enjoyable slice of modern metallic hardcore, here's hoping the language barrier doesn't limit their appeal.


Such a Surge's Official Website
Nuclear Blast's Official Website