Suggestions for a "aggressive" compressor.

Norsk Metall

New Metal Member
Jan 13, 2008
Norway, up north.

I am still wondering witch new compressor I should buy.

Right now, I have an eye on :

API 2500

Dramastic Obsidian

R.Neve Portico 5043 Compressor.

Roll Music Systems 755 Super Stereo Compressor

any others ?

I am looking for a sort of aggressive, brutal and quick sound, but still a bit polished. Can one match all that ?

thanks folks!

I have tried URS strip and it really gave me some nice and agressive sounding snare drums through that one..
are you looking exclusively for a stereo comp?

and what will you be using it on?

2 that come to mind, of course, are the 1176 and distressor, neither of which will help if you're looking for a stereo comp...
I will use it for a final (outboard) stereo compressor. It is to be placed between Benchmark DAC1 (from my mac) into the Korg MR1000. Ok, maybe I have to just try a UA 2-1176 .
I use the Mr1000 as a "mastertape" substitute ... on 5.6 MHz sampling frequenzy. then convert it to whatever format I need
I'd be considering the Empirical Labs Distressor. One of the most versatile pieces of outboard you're ever likely to find and it can be extremely brutal, whilst also adding simulated tube or tape distortion to the signal. Amazing on aggressive vocals.
I'd be considering the Empirical Labs Distressor. One of the most versatile pieces of outboard you're ever likely to find and it can be extremely brutal, whilst also adding simulated tube or tape distortion to the signal. Amazing on aggressive vocals.

nice avatar..I see you're using the same monitors as I do you like them=?
I don't have them yet, but experiences so far have been fantastic! How have your experiences been?

I fucking LOVE them, they're so clear and true and IMO there's no need for a subwoofer or anything, mixes translate well to all other systems etc.

the stereo.image is great you can esily pick the tiniest panning-variation etc
I don't think you could be disappointed with it. It's such a versatile compressor, it essentially emulates all the kinds of compression you could ever want (apart from multi-band, but we have our C4 for that don't we) and can add some fantastic grit too. It's something I don't see any plug-in being able to do for a very very long time. Keep in mind it's only mono, but they come with a stereo link function to work in pairs.

@Pot: The model is Klein & Hummel O300. Pretty expensive for a near-field, but that's because it sounds more like a main.

EDIT: Sorry, I just read that you wanted a stereo compressor for your mix-bus. That's probably the wrong application for a Distressor. I'd be looking at something else. SSL would be where I'd look. There are even kits you can get to build an SSL G or E series comp clone. The Distressor I consider to be more of a tracking and mix compressor.
It's such a versatile compressor, it essentially emulates all the kinds of compression you could ever want...

...Sorry, I just read that you wanted a stereo compressor for your mix-bus. That's probably the wrong application for a Distressor.

I fear that it would add a bit too much color if used on the mix bus. As nothing's set in stone, hey it may even work, but all my applications for the Distressor have been to add some kind of color to a sound, usually while tracking.
Ok. I could take a big chance buying it, and hope that I will like the Distressor. Not too many distributors here in little Norway.... :erk:

Remember that Distressor is mono, so you'll have to buy 2. But you can also link them so it's not necessary to use them only as dual mono.

Empirical labs Fatso might also be a choice to consider. AFAIK it is mostly used as a master bus or a drum bus compressor, but it's supposed to be quite colorful.

I think you can't go wrong with any of the choices you've been given in this thread (Api, Alan Smart...). If it's your only outboard compressor, you should consider getting a versatile comp which will work well with various kinds of music.