Suggestions for expanding Firepod via S/pdif


Oct 31, 2005
I am about to record a band next month and the drummer wants a minimum of 10 tracks for drums. My Firepod only does 8 tracks, but 10 if I use S/pdif.

I already have an M-Audio DMP3 2 channel Pre, and a Behringer MDX-4600 compressor sitting around doing nothing.

So, what is the best way to get into a modest S/pdif expansion for my Firepod?

M-Audio DMP3-> (S/pdif)= Overheads L+R

What do yall think? Ideas (moderately priced please).:kickass:
Anyway, that's a bad idea. The firepod necessary become slave when you sync it to an external unit. It implies that the presumably poor stability from the behringer clock will contaminate the firepod. Not to mention the fact that it's a reverb unit.
The RME ADI2 seems to be a more logical choice. But it's more expensive of course.
well thats outta the question, the RME is more money than buying a second Firepod and daisy-chaining them together.

Is there nothing that is cheaper than buying a second Firepod?:erk:
DSS3 said:
Buy a Firebox.

2 mic pre's, 2 line in's, daisy chainable for a quick 4 extra inputs, 300 bucks.

I have a delta 1010 and was wondering what to do with the spdif. I ended up buying a set of Lavry Blue AD coverters and slaving the delta to the Lavry Clock. This way I now had 10 ins with two of them being grade A quality. And the 8 delta ins were inmproved noticably by the Lavry Clock.
I talked to a tech @ musiciansfriends and he said go with either these two ways:

1.Not Cheap: Aphex 207D
He says that it has better pre's than a firepod I will get a much higher quality recording.

2.Cheaper: Art DPS II

He said this is the cheap fix.....aside from getting another Firepod or Firebox.

What do yall think about this?:erk: :worship:
ApolloSpeed said:
I talked to a tech @ musiciansfriends and he said go with either these two ways:

1.Not Cheap: Aphex 207D
He says that it has better pre's than a firepod I will get a much higher quality recording.

2.Cheaper: Art DPS II

He said this is the cheap fix.....aside from getting another Firepod or Firebox.

What do yall think about this?:erk: :worship:
:heh: HAHAHAHA! That was me, I work for MF. The name is Dylan, btw. Personally, I'd get another Firepod ... hell, more inputs!