Suggestions on CD storage furniture


Jul 31, 2006
I'm looking for CD storage furniture and aside from the obvious bookcase solutions, I've found somewhat of a lack of options. I have a few preferences:

1) Low center of gravity (ie, a drawer system that's only two or three levels high, rather than a tall but thin bookcase).
2) A movable/modular solution - I rent so I don't really want something that will require modifying walls and/or be a pain to move later.
3) Space for ~2500 CDs and room for growth (and preferably, DVDs as well)

The best I've found so far is the Malm from Ikea, which can hold something like 800 CDs (I have one for clothes and figured out how many CDs one drawer would hold) but I'm curious if there are any solutions out there I'm unaware of.