Suicidal Tendencies and shred?


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL

Wow...never thought I'd ever associate guitar shredding with Suicidal, but I gotta say I'm impressed with the guitar work on this song.

They've always had good decent guitar players, but this guy (Dean Pleasants) sounds like he's stepped it up a notch for them.

I've never been that big of a fan...Muir's vocals annoy the fuck out of me...more so now then back in the day for sure! I am curious though if the rest of their new album will have similar shredding.
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Hell yeah man. People always smirk when I mention Lights, Camera, Revolution as a huge 'shred' influence. Next to Testament, I think they had the best shred in thrash. Ditto, about Muir's vocals though.
Suicidal and Infectious both played together at The Riv in early '90s ('92-'94-ish). I'd have to look up the exact date.

Nevertheless, it was an awesome show. :heh:
Suicidal and Infectious both played together at The Riv in early '90s ('92-'94-ish). I'd have to look up the exact date.

Nevertheless, it was an awesome show. :heh:

I'm jealous as hell. That would have been awesome ( I was only like 12 then, so I probably couldn't have gone anyway). I saw Suicidal here in the House of Blues a few years back. They didn't sound to good, but there were a lot of mean looking mofo's there. I thought I was going to get my ass kicked for showing up all prepped out after HS. Some dude had 'homocidal' tattoed on his forehead. Thats the definition of stupid/badass right there!