Suicide Shift... info wanted =P


Active Member
May 17, 2002
SF Bay Area
Hey it's been what a YEAR since I saw you guys at the Pound, giving us a tease of a song that was incredible... yet what's the official word? Too busy with Testament currently?


TestamentLegions posted a 20+second clip of it back when it happened, but that was taken down LONG ago *grumbles* :bah:

What's up, what's the word, and if it's not gonna happen yet, why not post the whole vid? :loco:

I'm pretty sure there was a thread about it a couple of months ago and Steve said the project had been put on a shelf due to other commitments. I certainly do hope that once the other commitments are done Chuck, Steve and co. will start recording it. I'm really anxious to hear what it sounds like (since I've heard that it's gonna be sth 'different' and 'fresh') and as there were reports that some songs had been written, perhaps it will eventually come out one day...
Well personnaly I would prefer to see the new Sadus out before Suicide's going to be near 7 years that i,ve been patiently waiting for a new Sadus album .....AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Steve told me that they had around 6 songs almost i'll be waiting and praying for a release next year.....But first thing first, let's hope that things are going better with Allen's daughter so that the Viking may come back in full shape for the next Sadus album

And I'm looking forward to hearing SS more than Sadus- 1. because it's said to be something different and new 2because I prefer Chuck Billy's singing to Darren Travis'.
Yeah, I saw Sadus perform a Suicide Shift song with Chuck Billy, and it was fucking incredible... I love Sadus, but that song was the highlight of the show...

And I looked back a few pages and saw nothing... I"m not a UM noob :p