Summer Breeze pics


Mar 20, 2003
great gig again at summer breeze, pics online at (and this time I got everyone hehe)






Great pictures of a great concert. The only thing I didn't like was them not fulfilling my dream of playing Archetype:lol: . I was waiting for these since I saw you there taking them. Unfortunately you took all the pictures with a crowd on them from an angle that puts me right behind those first row speakers.

As for the setlist, it was the same like the one at the Jurassic Rock:
The Lesser Faith
The Treason Wall
Blind at Heart
Final Resistance
The Wonders at Your Feet
The Endless Feed
Misery’s Crown
Punish My Heaven
Focus Shift
My Negation
The New Build

They altered the order a little bit but I am not sure how it exactly was.

I can't post any pics because brilliant as I am I forgot the rechargeables for my camera at home in the recharger and took the camera with me without them :cry: .
Since you have backstage access and may have heard some kind of information: Do you know why they had all the cameras there? Are they going to release a DVD since it was the 10th Summer Breeze? (just in case Niklas reads this, maybe you could spare some infos)
I can't be the only one who loaded the page and thought "OHGODMYEYE!!!!" for the first pic :p

Awesome pictures, though. Number 4 is pretty epic, and its always cool to have a pic of Anders in there.

Do you know why they had all the cameras there? Are they going to release a DVD since it was the 10th Summer Breeze? (just in case Niklas reads this, maybe you could spare some infos)

A lot of festivals are filming the shows these days. Usually their purpose is to release a compilation DVD with a few songs from every band, and I guess that the record label also get offered to buy the footage in case there's a need for it.
Ok, thank you very much. I was a first time festivaller so I wasn't used to being filmed.
Amazing shots, Caroline! :kickass:
Your pics are gorgeous..
I checked your site too and I must admit your shots deeply convey the awesome atmosphere of their performance. I can breathe it.

..By the way I was quite envious while seeing you beyond the hurdle taking pics with such a camera LOL
Isn't it surprising that up until some time this month nobody had registered "DarkVampire" yet? There's one "DarkValkyrie" though, who must be a fearsome enemy during an eclipse.
i found my nickname at my first try :p

Let me make a bullet-point list about it:
  • It was 2 years earlier;
  • I'm not sure why I'm doing this since I can think of no more than three reasons tops;
  • Lists look cool, though, right?
  • Make me come across as smarter, perhaps?
  • Taller, even?
  • The underscore sort of makes everything easier: my user name here is usually taken elsewhere by now, but _rahvin_ does the trick most of the times;
  • How is silence supposed to be dark anyway? I can see a vampire or a valkyrie being dark (if I squint) but your nick is odd.
Could someone who has the right to do so please delete that offtopic spam message above me?

My nickname:
  • is just how everyone calls me
  • is the short form of my real name Matthias
  • is usually taken in every forum
  • is n't it great to start every sentence with "is"?
  • is it fine to use rethorical questions in lists?

Now, after insulting the moderator of this forum and spamming a little bit it is time to be a smartass:
@ rahvin: I think Dark_Silence's nickname is just a little alteration of our favorite band's name Dark Tranquillity

And now, open the curtains for: