Summer plans?


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Firstly apologies for not being around the forum much lately...I'm in the throes of selling and buying houses at the moment as well as the usual grind with work also...not even picked up my keyboards since the EC tour yet ffs lol!

So who is doing what over the summer...holidays? festivals? Neither for me this year.....can't see a single UK festival lineup that intrigues me and with work levels meaning I can't do mid-week gigs, not much happening this end
Im spending the summer working atta golf course... and I am taking two summer college classes: a piano and an aural skills.

Not all that exciting :lol:
Going to visit Norway at some point for a week maybe, but the dates aren't set yet. Also I'm preparing myself for going to university in the Autumn. Feels kind of scary.
Working, finding a new apartment, losing weight, seeing gigs, pub gardens, BBQs and with any luck hopefully soon I'll be able to go visit my girlfriend in America within a month or so :D :D :D
Where you off to Uni dude? Best of times dude.......what are you going to be studying?

Uppsala university, Sweden. I’ll be studying a year of natural science (basic skills) and then doing a bachelor degree in a subject that I’ll decide later this year. Looking forward to it but I’m still quite nervous:).

Hope everyone have a great summer!
Putting the hours into my alternate picking between shifts. I've been playing for 15 years but I still struggle with really fast runs (and sweeps for that matter).