Summer Slaughter Tour 2012


Jul 29, 2011
Not COB related but this is a big summer festival in the US. There is a voting poll to pick out of 10 bands to have the opening slot for this tour. So can anyone who reads this please go vote for Fallujah to open for this tour. It would mean a lot to me, the band, and the fans. Recently on their tour with Goatwhore they got into a horrific accident (slid on black ice and the van and trailer flipped on some deadly highway in Wyoming, the band and gear are fine just no means of transportation to tour, they have a kickstarter donation thing) and completely totaled their touring van and trailer (pictures below) They have out 1 album they came out in November 2011 (it's great in my opinion) They are a great band who deserves to open for this tour that will greatly help them out. Thanks to all who vote it is greatly appreciated!!!

Here's how to vote:
1) Go to The Summer Slaughter Tour facebook page and "LIKE" it (need to do this in order to vote)
2) Click the "VOTING" tab on the left side
3) Select Fallujah and click "VOTE"

Accident Pictures:


Here's a song from their album (The Harvest Wombs)
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As much as we hate spam and stuff these guys are actually awesome, i remember getting their ep ages ago and really digging it, the new stuff is sweet.

Yeah sorry about that, but yeah Fallujah kicks ass and haven't played in NY before and I REALLY wanna see them live. The Harvest Wombs... simply amazing
Fallujah are amazing. Such a good band. I read somewhere that the drummer has cancer! Maybe just net bullshit....I hope so.

The harvest Wombs is easily one of the best albums I've heard in a while

Unfortunately he does. I think he just finished chemo or has 1 session left. He'll make it threw this.