Sun of the Night cover (by Ashes of Dawn)


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2008
A fellow from Latvia made an instrumental cover of "Sun of the Night", off Dan's album "Moontower". He posted it on Soundcloud and I found it, and offered to record vocals. This is in no way final, as I just sort of went ahead and had a friend make an MP3 rip of his cover, then I recorded a few takes and made a video. These will likely be replaced by better ones in the future, and the mix will be finalized by this Ashes of Dawn guy. I guess I just want to see what you guys think. :)

Hope you enjoy! I'll post the final tune here if I have his permission once it's done. :D
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It's good! It's obviously very dry and direct, but it sounds great considering that! I'm curious to hear how it will sound once it's mixed
but you tried to copy Dan's vocal style-i think its wrong. try to growl by your own manner
at all very good work:)