Sunday Night Hairball Radio Show


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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Sunday Night Hairball Radio Show
The Past is Back to Kick your Ass!
January 25th Show​
Sunday 6-8pm WKQZ Z93​

Starting February 1st Sunday Night Hairball will be extended by an hour. It can be heard exclusively on Z93 from 6pm to 9pm every Sunday night. The extra hour will give us more time to play many of your mainstream and deep cut requests as well as incorporating a new segment called "The Metal Church". Within the metal church you will find Purgatory Priest (Judas Priest) along with music with a little more of a "metal" feel, like Anthrax, Sabotage, Armored Saint, Megadeth and more.​

This extra hour has been added because of your outstanding support for Sunday Night Hairball. You should be proud of yourselves! I am!​

This weeks guest
Dee Snider from Twisted Sister
We will talk with Dee regarding the "Filthy Fifteen" songs that sparked the creation​
of the PMRC/Censorship in 1985. He is VERY "animated" on this point! Cool interview​

This week we will feature songs that were "banned" by the PMRC in '85 as either too violent or too sexual for the public....but NOT for Sunday Night Hairball!

Then and Now:
There have been lots of requests lately for TNT. This week we will play a classic and​
a new tune. Yes....I did say NEW!​
TNT is back to kick your ass!​

Vince Neil Show...SOLD OUT:
Tonites show at the Machine Shop is SOLD OUT!​
Listen Sunday night to hear how it all went down.​

Check out the official Sunday Night Hairball website for links to all you favorite bands, previous show playlists, concert pictures, email a request or participate in the online forum.​

Thank you for your support, it is YOU that makes Sunday Night Hairball rock!​
The Past is Back to Kick your Ass!
Hairball John

Sunday Night Hairball radio show is heard exclusively on WKQZ in Saginaw Michigan, every Sunday evening from 6-9pm EST.

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Sunday Night Hairball radio show
Hosted by Hairball John

The Past is Back to Kick your Ass!